Day 2

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So I woke up this morning with only half of my dignity and boy was I looking for some pranking revenge. I got dressed in all black and a ski mask-just because I'm wierd like that-and walked outside into the the woods. I would just like to say that it was at least two in the morning. I finally came across the Hermes Cabin . I looked inside and I saw Travis but I really could'nt find Conner probably because I was at a wierd angle and wasn't sleeping in the same bunck as his brother and I was about to grab my backpack ang head inside when Conner said something from right behind me. "Hey Leo what ya doing..." "well I was-" "I know what your doing dude and I was just looking for you but you weren't at your cabin." "Oh well I've been sleeping in bunker 9 ever since my death and all it's the only place I feel safe sleeping. So why were you trying to find me?" "Oh well Travis and I felt really bad after seeing Calypso cry and you crying." "wait how would you know that I was crying I wasn'nt crying until after i knew nobody was watching Dude I was in bunker 9." "Oh well how we knew is off topic. But anyways We talked to Calypso and told her it wasn't your fault and she agreed to talk to you in the morning she said she replanned a picnic but would'nt tell us where." "Oh well okay so i'll just talk to her in the morning." And then I left but I didn't go back to my cabin I went to Cal's cabin.


I knocked on her door but very slightly and I hoped she wasn't sleeping and to my suprise she opened the door and smiled slightly insted of that huge smile she usally has when I come up to her cabin.  "Hey." she says "I wanted to talk  to you." "So I've heard." "Leo i'm so sorry I never meant to hurt much less break up with you I was just so upset I really miss my home without Ogigia I don't know." "Oh sunshine this can be your home now werever we are we can be each others home." ''Oh leo." And then she kissed me. "I love you." "I love you too Sunshine."  Then we fell asleep after talking for a little while and making jokes about the Stoll twins.


"OH MY GOSH YOU TWO ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE" and that is what I woke up to.  I wasn't sure what was wrong or who was in trouble until I sat up and looked at Frank who was just standing there his Jaw dropped to the floor just staeing at me and Calypso who was still asleep I don't know how she does it though. I almost forgot Him and Hazel were staying here for the weekend so I stare at him waiting for him to say something. "How is it always me to find you guys." he says "First Percy and Annabeth and now you two." "What were almost 18 and technacly she's almost three thousand but who's counting right." I smirk. ''Well everybodys looking for you guys it's almost noon." I look at my watch holy Hera your right. "Well" he says "you might want to wake your girlfriend up I heard she's great at capture the flag and I want her on my tean Hazle can not win this time It would be four times in a row."Then he left.

I had totally forgot that today was the monthy capture the flag game with two roman captains. This time it was Franck against Hazle and Frank was determind to win he even made himself a list of what cabins he wanted on his team and my cabin was second on the list.

-Your's truley demigodliness and all Leo Valdez. <3

I do not own PJO or HoO that's Ricks job.

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