Chapter 6 umm what?

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Before we pass to today's chapter I've seen how much my story is liked and based on that I'm thinking on creating this book the first one of a series what do you think?? Also sorry for taking so long
Sooo Cortney is still pestering me big deal,in other news I have been walking on the woods late at night hoping that nobody would notice it,and I must say it is quite relaxing,not to mention the lovely view this shitty camp has,I'm surprised really.
So I woke up today and went directly to the lounge,at this moment I wouldn't be surprised if Chris gave us a task that could possibly kill us.
Chris: campers for today's challenge we'll be testing you're survival skills not gonna lie some of you may die!
Nailed it!
Everyone gasped in fright.
Chris:just kidding
Luna:yeah you're fucking hilarious
Chris:all you have to do is spend one night in the woods, everything you need is at your team's camp side of the forest you just have to find it but watch out for the bears!,go,go,go!
Soon we were all runing,Courtney of course had to take the map and the compass but I believe she doesn't even know how they work.
Soon as a plan b I have to think of getting food and another refugee because I knew Courtney isn't capable of building a camp tent.
When we were walking I noticed that the lesbians leaved the grip braid now we're going to fail the challenge I'm not surprised word failing thanks to them but I will be more surprised if they're not eliminated by tomorrow.
soon we arrived to the spot we were supposed to take our things and build the tent but since Courtney was thing as sour thumb I decided to do things my way.
I leaved the group without anyone noticing and went to look for something to eat because I'm pretty sure Courtney forgot about that little detail and it's blaming everyone right now.
I continued to walk through the forest hoping I could find a river or something like that and for my luck I found one I decided to create a handmade Harpoon so I could fish.
I took out my pants my shoes and my socks so I could do it more freely, and before you ask yes I knew the risk of hypothermia in this place but honestly I've been through worse 1 time I got stuck in a fridge,I want to go in details but I was there for at least 10 hours I managed to be conscious,for at least didn't die in the attempt I don't remember a lot of it.
I started to fish for at least one hour getting 9 big salmons, that should be enough food for tonight and in the morning we should get breakfast after all, I dried myself as I could and I put my things back on.
to transport the fish I made a handmade basket and placed all of the fish inside of it, I placed the basket on my back and I started to walk towards the camp I placed a few indications so I wouldn't get lost, when I was halfway a growling sound made me stop dead in my tracks, slowly but surely I looped in the way of the growling finding one big bear staring right at me,instead of getting freaked out out I decided to place the basket back on the ground and take three of the nine fish I caught,slowly I went to  the bear and placed the fish right in front of it,the bear stoped growling and started to nuzzle my hand that was in the fish, then it came towards me and gave me a big lick in my face, gross but cute at the same time.
-you were just hungry, weren't you big baby?-
It bited a little of my pants trying to guide me to somewhere.
-all right I'll follow you.-
It guide me right in front of a cave when we entered the cave three little bear cubs received us.
-aww so you wanted me to meet your babies!,well they're pretty cute if I say myself I hope you enjoy the food that I gave you-
I hugged the Bears and left quickly.
I grabbed  my basket and continued my travese, soon I found myself in a clear patch of land, that wasn't too far from the camp, and I thought it would be the perfect place to build a provisional camp site.
I placed the basket back on the ground and went to grab all the leads and all the branches I could get.
When I had all the materials I looked for some yuca to make some rope and for my luck there was some of it.
I quickly made the rope and basically built the entire place I made at least two camp tents and one big fireplace.
I dropped my basket again and leaved, I will assume it's going to rain soon, since the mosquitos are biting too much this tells me there's going to rain since they feed when it's humid or going to rain.
So I arrived at the camp I was just about to make myself present when I heard dunk and was telling a spooky story or is he going to tell it I'm not sure since I arrived this late but I know I'm going to do a jump scare on Courtney it's obvious I'm going to take this opportunity to perfect it I'll cover my self in sticks mud and leaves.
Duncan: one night a night like this one.
~~~~~~~~ time skip~~~~~~~~~
I will admit the story of Duncan it's pretty hard core but I've heard one spookier than his.
Duncan: so suddenly they heard this tap cat sound the girl started to freak out and to this point the boys started to get scared himself so they turned on the car when they got back to their cabins,she opened the door and screamed because hanging from the door handle was the bloody hook!, They say the biggest killer still alive wandering this very Woods he could be just about anywhere really, maybe even right HERE!.
And that was my cue while they were screaming because of Duncan I jumped in front of them and scared the living shit out of them, that includes Duncan.
Luna:holy shit!, Your faces I can't even. Hahahahhahahahaahha.
Soon they were all glaring at me.
Courtney: that was so vil both of you!
Luna and Duncan:oh relax jumpy Mc chicken.
Courtney:does your parents even like you?
Duncan:I don't know princess haven't really asked them.
Luna:nah they hate my guts and guess what? I don't give a shit.
Duncan: where were you Wolfie?
Luna:oh right I brought food sorry I left you like that handsome buddy had to get us something to eat because princess obviously forgot about it.
Soon everyone got around me to see what I had caught.
Bridgett: omg you brought us all of this
Luna: why is coarse are you doubting my capacities?
when Bridgett was about to answer we heard a growl behind me.
I turned around and found the bear I gave food.
While everybody was getting scared  hiding behind me the bear walked to me and nuzzle his head on my knees.
Luna:hey there little one do you want any more fish so you can feed your babies?
I grabbed another two fishes and gave them to it,the bear growled as a thank you and leaved.
When I look back everybody was with their mouth wide open.
Luna:sooo how's it going?
Duncan:how in the name of hell did you do that gorgeous?
Luna:oh when I go to the fish the bear growl at me and I thought it was hungry so I gave him part of the fish I captured and it results that he was a she and she has three beautiful bear cubs that were waiting for her at their cave.
Courtney: so you gave that Beast some of our food?
Luna: excuse me but the food you are calling our food it's more like my food since I fished it so it is not your decision what to do with it so calm the fuck out.
She huffed and turned away.
then we ate the fish and went to sleep since we need to wake up early the next day.
Honestly I lost myself when I hit the bed I just remember being cuddle with Duncan, next thing I knew the camp tent was burned, good thing I prepared the second camp.
Duncan:to princess relax you're going to wake up gorgeous.
Luna: no need I'm already awake,well since the place is completely destroyed I think it's safe to say that I'm glad I builded plan b
Courtney: what plan b!?, This couldn't get worse!
Suddenly it started to rain called it.
Luna: if you were done with your little tantrum I would love to go to my camp and go catch some z's.
Courtney:what camp are you talkin about there's nothing in here!?
Luna:for those who want to sleep a peaceful night I recommend you to follow me.
Everybody followed me and we arrived to my little camp.
Luna:I assumed things wearing going like Miss prissy princess was planning right here so I decided to build this place as a plan b.
I was going to go for the girls tent but Duncan hug me from behind and practically dragged me to their tent.
We woke up earlier with enough time to eat some breakfast we ran to "win" the challenge and of course we lost thanks to lesbians,one of them is so going home!.
Sooooooo Katie leaved I think,even so we stayed in the campfire great

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