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Pregnancy with triplets isn't easy.

Well for Hongjoong, pregnancy in general isn't easy. He threw up everyday right after breakfast, the triplets were picky eaters and often made him throw up whatever he ate just because of some certain ingredient. They do NOT like sausage. Anytime he eats it with pizza or with breakfast burritos, he throws up instantly. Cravings were a different story, he always craved the strangest things and it was always orange juice with cereal. No one dared to say anything.

His mood swings were another pleasantry. If you said one wrong thing, even if it was a small joke, he either cried his eyes out or he gets so angry he locks himself in a bedroom and refuses to come out unless lured out by Mingi. He even cried when Mingi brought home a few fish for dinner from the pond not too far from the house.

"It had a life!!" Hongjoong sobbed uncontrollably, holding his large three month belly. Eventually, they had a small funeral service for the fish. That was the only way they could get Hongjoong to stop crying.

Another factor of pregnancy, he was constantly horny. But as he drew further into his pregnancy and his belly grew, it was harder and harder for him to have sex comfortably. And even after still being pissed off at Mingi for getting him pregnant, he refused to let the Alpha touch him in ANY sexual way. The only thing he was allowed to touch on the Beta, was his belly that contained his unborn pups. Even if Mingi wasn't able to pleasure him, Seonghwa and Yeosang tried their best but eventually it became awkward for them to even blow or jerk off the Beta.

Pregnancy was not Hongjoong's friend at the moment.

But the longer the pregnancy goes on, he starts to immediately grow fond of his unborn pups. He often finds himself rubbing his belly lovingly (even after cursing at it for "ruining his life"), and sometimes talking aloud to them when no one is around, denying what he was doing when they catch him.

This all changed when Hongjoong woke up in the middle of the night and noticed he was bleeding.

He was in tears and panicked, waddling quickly to Mingi's and Seonghwa's room. He doesn't care as he flips the lights on and disturbs the sleeping couple. Right now, he was afraid for his baby's lives.

Mingi although didn't wake up from the instant light like Seonghwa did, he did wake up to the sobbing and immediately sits up. When he caught sight of his pregnant Beta crying by his bed while holding his large belly, his heart fell into his stomach. Seonghwa and Mingi didn't ask, the Luna quickly takes him to the bathroom and cleans the blood from his legs and backside while Mingi quickly tracks down the midwife.

Fear that he lost his pups, when they were only five months old in the womb, his heart shatters.

The midwife didn't waste any time, getting to the house as quick as she can to check on Hongjoong, "Come here honey," she spoke gently, helping a sobbing Hongjoong up from the bathroom floor. He was still bleeding slightly, and she quickly sits him on the bed he was sleeping in after Seonghwa changed the sheets. The midwife places a towel underneath him before he sits, and then immediately goes to work.

Yeosang and Seonghwa stood by the door, holding each other's hands in tight grasps as they watch the scene unfold in front of them. She places her hands on his large belly, closing her eyes and concentrating. Her healing ability immediately washed over him and he was a little bit calmer, but he was scared out of his mind. She sighs softly, looking up at Mingi and Hongjoong with sad eyes, "Last time I seen you, I could feel the presence of three little ones in here squirming away. But now, I only feel two."

Hongjoong immediately sobs again, covering his mouth to stifle them and to keep quiet. It was still the middle of the night and the two babies were still sleeping peacefully. Yeosang covers his mouth as he tears up, Seonghwa brings him in his arms as he starts to tear up too. Mingi falls to his knees, placing a hand on Hongjoong's, "Are.... are the other two..."

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