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Traveling to the pack for the funeral was rough for everyone. The three babies were cranky the entire time, not enjoying the ride at all and the two pregnant Betas were just as bad.

When they finally arrived, Primrose waited for them with two vehicles to transport everyone into the pack territory. As soon as Mingi caught sight of his mother, he ran over to her and enveloped her in his arms. Her eyes watered as she hugged her son, sniffling softly while burying her nose in his chest. Mingi couldn't help the sob that broke through his chest, the air was tense with mourning.

When they pull apart, they seen Kennedy and Jongho embracing not too far from them, Jongho didn't say anything or have any emotion while he hugged his mother who sobbed into his chest. It was silent among the group as the two brothers hugged their mothers, mourning and trying to be strong.

"Come," Primrose pulls away from her son, wiping his tears and her own, "Let's go back to the pack house. The healers are waiting for us to be there so you boys can say one last thing to your father. They're burning him tomorrow."

Everyone piled into the vehicles and were instantly driven back to the pack border. Jongho was tense the entire time before they crossed over into the border. People stared as they drove by, not helping with the atmosphere. Many were somber, sadness was thick through the pack.

Once they reached the pack house, everyone files out of the car with their bags, they were only staying for the night but all babies needed diapers and wipes and other clothes just in case. When Jongho stepped out of the vehicle though, he is immediately hit with something in the head and he nearly drops his and Yunho's bags.

Mingi turns at the sound of shouting, seeing one of the old hunters storm towards them, "What is that traitor doing here!? He's supposed to be banished! Valentine would be rolling in his grave right now if he knew you were back here!"

Mingi snarls, handing Ana back to Seonghwa and immediately steps in front of his brother. The hunter stops, his eyes wide with fear as Mingi over towers him, "What did you just say?"

"Rolo!" Kennedy snarls, storming after the hunter, "What is the meaning of this!?"

Almost instantly, his fear turned into anger as he turns to Kennedy, "You know this mutt isn't supposed to be here!" He points to Jongho, "Valentine wouldn't stand for this!"

San snarls, moving to stand in front of Jongho while Yunho's eyes flash bright blue. He was holding his stomach protectively as he stood next to San.

"Valentine is dead Rolo!" Kennedy growls, "My son, HIS son is here to mourn his father's death! How dare you throw something at him and do this on the day of your Alpha's death!!"

The man was about to say something before Mingi snarls, "He is my brother, your Alpha's son. Show him as much respect as you would show me or I'll rip your fucking head off of your shoulders."

He looks around, seeing all of the pack members that were standing by just watching and narrows his eyes, "And as for the rest of you, if I hear one ill word breathed about my brother I won't hesitate to banish you!"

Those that were standing around immediately move around, and getting out of Mingi's line of fire. The man before them narrows his eyes before looking back at Mingi, "Your father-"

"Breathe another word about my father and I won't hesitate to slaughter you," Mingi growls in warning, his red eyes flash to the older Beta. The Beta's eyes widen as he backs off slightly, "Now get out of my sight. I don't want to see you the rest of the time I'm here. Clear?"

The Beta glares at Mingi, nodding his head once before giving a nasty look to Kennedy and Jongho, then leaves them. Jongho sighs, "I knew this would happen."

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