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Tonight was the night.
The night where Undertaker was to get revenge on Shawn Michaels for the past few weeks.

But you hadn't been able help but feel that tonight would not go as planned.

Something had felt off from the moment you walked into the arena.

Despite this everything had seemed as it was supposed to be when you had walked out onto the stage.

You and your fiancé had done your entrance, shrouded in darkness, cloaked in fog.

You had tried not to pay mind to the other members of Degeneration X, they wouldn't touch you. 

Your only focus walking down was the cage, or cell as Vince was calling it.

Shawn had asked for this. Too many steel chair blows to Undertaker's head had got him here, and now there was no escape for him.

The match had been normal too. 
As normal as it was bound to get.

It had been back and forth from the beginning, Shawn managing to escape the cage through a fault in the door, but Undertaker hadn't been far behind him.

You had let a small smile slip when Shawn's head begun to bleed.
But that didn't last long, the low blow your fiancé recieved shortly after not making you particularly happy.

You hadn't moved from your spot by the announcers table.
There was no need.
Undertaker would handle it.

He had attempted to catch Shawn and stop him from getting on top of the cage, but a kick to the head had stopped that.

And instead he looked to you.
You had nodded, you knew the risks if he went up there, and so did he, you weren't about to stop him.

Sure enough Undertaker got up there and began unloading on Shawn.
He had given you a look you know all too well when Shawn began to run again.


And move you did, well out of the way before Shawn crashed through the announcers table.

You could see that Taker was beginning to suffer, Shawn had done some damage.
But he was nowhere near as bad as the heart break kid.

Now it's almost over, and you can't be happier about that.
"Make sure they lock it properly" Undertaker says as he moves past you.

"Of course" you reply, following a little ways behind as both men re-enter the cell.

The ref produces a heavy duty chain from under the ring, wrapping it through the door and cell.

"You're not going to let him slip out again are you?" You ask sternly.

"No" he replies, the tremble in his voice evident to you.
"Good." The lock clicks and the ref moves away, sliding into the ring.

He glances back at you and you shoot him a deadly look, a look that says don't mess up again.
You're certain he won't. 

Undertaker grabs a steel chair from under the ring.
He's going to give Shawn what he deserves.
Vengeance for him being hit in the face multiple times.

You hear the impact and can't help but grimace a little.
Sure Shawn brought all of this on himself but he is going to be feeling that for some time.

This is the end of Shawn Michael's for now.

Undertaker drawing his thumb over his neck.
You grin, nothing can stop him now.
This is finally the end.

Then, an unfamiliar tune.

"Shit" you turn, the loud noise catching you off gaurd. 

Red light.
A masked face.

Could it be?

It couldn't.
He was killed, there's been no doubt about that.

He's as tall as Undertaker, and Paul Bearer follows behind him.
But it can't be.

You stand in front of the door to the steel cage, there's no chance if it is that he's getting though. 
He draws closer and closer, looking right over your head and into the cell.

Until of course he stops. Right in front of you.

"Don't" you warn.
He looks you up and down.
Tilting his head to the side.

You know what he's doing. He's assessing whether or not you're a threat.
He takes one step closer, towering over you with ease.

You refuse to budge, you know Undertaker is already suffering. He doesn't need this.

"Just get her out of the way" Paul demands. Kane is quick to obey, pushing you hard off to one side before ripping the door stright off of its hinges and storming into the cell.

"You can't protect him from Kane, Y/n" Paul begins, "I know what you're capable of, but Kane will easily overpower you. And I wouldn't bother trying to get into his head." he follows Kane into the cell, leaving you still in a daze.

An official races down to you, checking if you're okay, but you ignore him.
It's not you they should be worrying about.

By the time he's off of your case it's too late.
Undertaker lies on the mat, Shawn's arm over him.

You pull yourself up using the steel to support you, finding your way into the cell as quickly as possible. 

The bell has rung, Shawn has won, but that isn't your concern. 

You roll under the bottom rope, crawling over to your fiancé.
You take his hand, kneeling by his side.

The ring shakes, Triple H and Chyna come to help Shawn.
You don't look up at them, you don't even think about them.

"Come on" you say softly, "wake up, lets go" Undertaker ever so slightly furrows his eyebrows, but doesn't move anymore than that. "I know you're hurting but you won't get any better laid here" 

He lets out a long yet silent breath, moving his head ever so slightly.

You stand, albeit not very quickly, exiting the ring and standing where the door to the cell now lies.
You figure they took it off before removing the steel structure from the ring.

"I'm ready" he rolls onto his side, then his front, crawling over to the ropes. 
Once under them he sits up, and you beckon him forward. 

He stands slowly, arm over your shoulder, using you as a support. 

The sinking feeling in your stomach tells you this is going to be a long road.

That Kane isn't finished with his brother yet.

You at least hope Undertaker gets the time to heal before being attacked again.

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