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For the first time in weeks you entered the building at a normal time.
For the first time in weeks you walk in the light. 
For the first time in weeks you don't have to worry about.. anything. 

Because you're here with him.
With Undertaker.
Your fiancé, who you thought you had lost.

And for the past week everything has been good.
You've not felt guilt, anger, sorrow. 
You've felt none of it.

The bruises on your arm had faded within days, but they were a reminder of what had happened.

You were surprised when you woke up with deep purple bruises on your arm that you hadn't felt the pain.
But you suppose you had been blind to it, your focus on one man, and one man alone.

For a while everything had been perfect. 
And then you remembered. 
You have to deal with WrestleMania before any of this is settled.

The show is on the TV in the small room you have been given, hidden away from the main part of the arena. It's located under the floor, just in case you need to make a surprise appearance.

The first half an hour has been ignored by the both of you, but once you hear the word "Kane" it has your full attention.

"Alright Paul Bearer, you've asked me to come back into Kane's locker room and I want you to first of all assure me that I'm going to be safe" Jerry says.

"I told you not to worry so don't worry" Paul says. You doubt Jerry is safe. One slip up and that's it.

"Last week The Undertaker reappears after you tell the world-"

"I don't want to talk about the Undertaker" Paul says, completely interrupting the question. "I want to talk about Vader. I want to talk about how my Kane picked up that 450 pound man and drove his head into the mat. I want to talk about how my Kane picked up that little wrench and cracked him across the skull, busting his eye open. Oh yes. Take that off. Look at that eye! All black and blue and bloodshot. He might not be able to see out of it again"

Paul sounds.. proud, but there's something else behind his voice, and you just can't quite pick out what it is.

"Alright. I'll give you guys credit, you did a number on Vader, but you'd also told the world we'd seen the last of The Undertaker, and what about Y/n?" One of the wooden doors to the storage under the bench opens and closes by itself.

Both men look startled for a second, but Jerry continues.
"She got in that ring, delivered a dropkick to Kane and demanded Kane fight her then an there." It opens and closes again.

"Stop doing that" Paul demands.

"It wasn't me" Jerry replies, "what about the two of them just disappearing into the darkness Paul?" He asks.

"I don't-" suddenly all the doors begin to open and close of their own accord, and to your surprise it's Paul that scrambles for the door first. Jerry Lawler not far behind. 
Kane just stares, tilting his head to the side, and then the camera cuts.

"Paul's scared" you state. 
"I know" Undertaker's voice comes from behind you. "There's no reason I shouldn't scare him some more" you turn your head to look at him and smile.

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