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The Pay-Per-View that has been a long coming for you.

This has been the only thing on your mind since Undertaker returned.

This is where it all comes to a head.

Where brother meets brother.
In the ring.

This is where only one will stand tall.

"You keep an eye on Paul for me, I won't be able to. I doubt Kane will let me" you nod.

"Don't worry about Paul. He dares do anything other than watch Hell will treat him nicer than I will." 

You turn to him, the two of you ready for the Grandest Stage Of Them All.
"This suits you" he says, "you're a fitting companion for eternity" you smile.

Although you wear a dress it was made with one thing in mind. You have to be able to fight. 
The floor length fabric is light and easy to handle, but it also will come off with ease, allowing you to attack if necessary. 

"We do this together. No matter what happens tonight"
He takes your hands in his. "No matter what" 

And with that you get called up.
5 minutes early, and you can't help but wonder why.

Medics and officials run by you, out and down to the ring.

Not even two minutes later they reappear, Pete Rose on a stretcher.

You shake your head. 

"It's time" you're called forward.
Undertaker's music starts up and you're first out.

The fog is thick, but though it you see the light from the flames.
And slowly you emerge.

The fabric of the dress moves just as slowly, the fog wrapping around the bottom of the dress, as if beginning to encase you again.
But before it gets the chance it is disturbed once more, and Undertaker appears at your side.

This is your first WrestleMania.
But you don't get time to think about that.

Together Undertaker and you head down the ramp, towards the ring.
Towards Kane.

With every step, the passing under every torch you grow more and more impatient. 
Desperate for this to finally come to and end.

Once again you find the staring contest at large, Undertaker and Kane, You and Paul Bearer.

You climb the steel stairs, standing on the apron, staring now at Kane.
And he stares right back. 
You see fear for the first time in his eyes, but only a hint of it.

For the first time in weeks the lights come up slowly, and the tension becomes evident.

Paul jumps out of the ring before Undertaker passes between the top and middle ropes, and you watch him carefully.

He takes off his jacket and hands it to you.
You bow your head and make your way down from the apron.
You pass the jacket to a ring side helper, and turn your attention to the match, now underway.

It's Undertaker that strikes first.
And then again and again.
Kane doesn't seem too affected, throwing Undertaker against the turnbuckle.

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