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"OH Isn't  it  lovely we both are neighbors again like good old days "  Aunty Hannah said with a really happy .Yes I am still here now that I know who he is I can take advantages over the situation

 "Oh I am so glad now you both can go together and hey can you do me a favor honey".She said I was already mad about it now I have be with this mischievous guy " HMM SURE" I replied with the calm voice

"Well its weird to say but can you keep an eye on him for me I understand if you just said no honey its on you" she said

Well request was weird but again life is giving me a handful  chances to take back Muhahahah my inner devil laugh " OHH Dont worry I love to do that for you" I said while looking at him I swear I saw anger and scared in his eyes at once just wait till you fall for my wicked scheme .

           "OH look the time gotta go its nice to talk both of you  BYE NOW"  


AS soon as we entered mom kick on my head" Why you always embarrassed me infront of other like  that if you dont want to go then its OK  she was so mad at me I was quite all the time their and if anything was asked I answered it yes ,not ,OK  or sure thats it.

"Mom " I hugged  her " I am so sorry I disappoint  you belief me its  never gonna happen forgive me my lovely mother"  I said and it worked she again get back to her old state"  Ok honey I hope you make me proud. you are my hope I expect a lot from you "

 "  Dont you worry" I said

And she laughed  real loud " hahahaha  Dont mind me honey but I am not used to  see you that much worried its not suit you 

"MOM  thats mean of you" I said ohh man my mom .


Next day after amazing breakfast I heared  a knock on the door it was him" OH HI HERE ,good morning  " he said I want to slam the door but oh  I have to go .

"Good morning  "I replied  and after saying good bye to my mom I start to walk with him 

"You  dont know what is waiting for you I am warning you I am dangerous so dont you  mess up with me"  he said with his harsh voice

"Thanks for the information ,Let go we gonna be late"  I said to him .


Proving yourself to be tough component is your mistake you will see 

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