14 × Covering more ground

353 11 4

Boom Mic was sitting on the soft fluffy snow. She exhaled a large breath of air, just trying to move. She felt her body freeze up. She spent far too long, and there was no way she would escape in time. She smiled a little, and dragged her body to a nearby cave. Maybe she could just...

Survive for a little longer.

She breathed heavy, pushing her body through the snow as it made a calming noise. Telling her to keep going. You could make it. She was determined, but atlas, it wasn't enough. She felt her body tense up, and suddenly stop. Everything was shutting down as her vision began to blur. All she saw was a fading light. Was this where she would go when she died?
She closed her eyes, and quietly took her last breath.


Clapboard and Income had been traveling for awhile, having Clapboard in Income's hands. They were talking about the future, and they'd survive such a horrible situtation they were placed in. A crunch sound could be heard every step under the sand, as they hsd gotten close to where the middle of all 4 regions would be.

"Which region." He simply said, allowing his only ally, or even who he could consider a friend to decide a important choice. Clapboard narrowed her eyes between the forest and plains, before pointing her foot in the forest. "Forest. We could split up and cover more ground. Meet back here.." She said in a cheerful tone. Income was hesitant. What if the one insane object. The one we were all meant to fear was there? What if she got hurt.. He felt helpless if she got in danger. But dropped her.
Clapboard landed on her feet in the soft grass, and gave Income a huge smile before running off. That told Income to head into a different direction.


Avocado was in the desert.
The place was beating her in the heat, but if she could avoid where all of those damn deaths were happening.. Maybe she won't be suspected.
Her heart ached in the memory of her interaction with Battery. Was she really a monster? She laughed uncomfortably. Dropping the wooden knife and sitting down. Maybe a calming rest won't hurt. She won't get hurt!
Her wooden knife that she was given from the beginning, a good method of defense. She didn't want to hurt anyone. What if someone came in after a fight? They might suspect her..
She needed to find Battery.

And soon.

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