Exclusive Excerpt from "Pendant of Dragons Book 1 - The Aldrich Legacy"

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It didn't take long for us to reach the centre of town and find the Baron's residence – the large manor I had seen on the way into the city, as it turned out. We walked along the cobblestone path towards the main gates, two soldiers watching our approach from their posts flanking the gate with stony expressions.

"What can you tell me of Baron Emerton?" I asked of Mithras, glancing out from under my hood as I spoke, droplets of rain sliding off its rim.

"He is a very powerful man in Unlarta and the surrounding estates," Mithras replied begrudgingly. "If anyone in this part of Aldegaad can aid us, it is he."

"Hm," I considered, noting his obvious dislike of the man. "And what is he really like?"


"Do you really expect me to believe that you respect him when you speak in that tone of voice, Mithras?" I asked, locking my gaze with his. "Tell me, what do you really think?"

"Honestly? He is a foul, horrid cretin who is more interested in food, gold and debauchery than altruism," Mithras seethed with disgust. "I'd sooner cover myself in honey and dance before a hungry bear than speak with him. However, our situation requires it, so I forbear."

"What can I expect?" I asked nervously.

He smirked knowingly: "He may try to proposition you. You are an attractive young woman, remember? You are also next in line for the throne and it is not unheard of for a girl younger than you to marry a man of his years."

"Ugh! I'd rather not," I commented, shuddering.

We reached the gate, the guards stepping out before us.

"Halt!" one held out a gloved hand to us. "What business have you with the Baron of Unlarta?"

"I am Ser Mithras of Arvon, commander of the Arvon garrison," Mithras introduced himself. "I come with grim tidings: Prince Ewan and Duchess Caralyn have been murdered, and the town ransacked by unknown brigands. We seek an audience with the Baron and ask for aid."

"If that were true," the second guard said curtly almost smugly, "then we would have received word by now."

"You do not believe the word of a knight?" Mithras demanded coldly.

"We would need word from Arvon itself," the same guard insisted. "A messenger pigeon at the very least from one of the captains with the royal seal."

"How about a member of the royal family, then?" I asked, tilting my head to reveal my face. "I am Princess Leander Aldrich, Prince Ewan's daughter. What my bodyguard says is true: my father and mother are dead, and Arvon has fallen," my voice cracked with grief saying those last words, my initial strength fading quickly.

"Your Highness!" the first guard stared with wide eyes at me. "Our apologies! We'll alert the Baron at once. Please, pass through."

"See?" I smirked at Mithras as we passed the gates and walked towards the Baron's estate. "Sometimes it pays to have a princess with you."

"Indeed it does," Mithras nodded, smiling at me.

We made our way up the wet steps of the manor, guards saluting us now that they knew the identity of the Knight's smaller, hooded companion. The doors into the estate were opened for us and we stepped into the main hall, passing through a second archway and entering the "throne" room, as it was called in the lesser provinces.

It was a garishly furnished room with the Aldegaadian banners littering the high roof beams and the stone walls. There was a grand staircase behind the central dais leading to the second storey and the third storey, the guards as numerous as the flags and banners.

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