Hᴇʀʙs & Pɪʟʟs

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ℳ⌾ℛℰℕⅈKℰ did not allow the lovebirds leave that night

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ℳ⌾ℛℰℕⅈKℰ did not allow the lovebirds leave that night. She insisted they stayed, threatening that the curfew in Ikeja was usually taken seriously at night because of the Corona virus pandemic: ' And besides, there are soldiers parading everywhere as we speak, see me I don't want any casualties o.' Fred laughed at the old woman's stunts and Cynthia only chortled shyly. ' Ah-ah, what's so funny?' she said vivaciously, knowing fully well that they knew she was lying.

Despite her fervour for religion and morality, her bad temperament, whatsoever, Morenike had a great sense of humour of which she had used in totally winning Cynthia's heart, making her almost forget the demon that had welcomed her with frosty looks and made her shudder a few hours ago.

She did all her best to make Cynthia feel as comfortable as she could. She made her reconciliation with her and came to the realization that she was not a bad person after all.

She was a presenter working with Patriots Television, PTV, and as famous as she was for hosting one of PTV's most popular show- ' The Girl Child Tomorrow ', alias, 'The G to the CT show ', as she was found of calling the show. It was a show created to give Nigerian women a voice, fights for gender equality and women's rights and against girl child molestation and early early marriages.

Most of all she was a very influential blogger.

Morenike who always claims to be a PTV fan had no idea whom she was. The only time she must have seen the programme was during the mid news news commercials.

Everytime she watches the news, she only watches out for Fred doing the broadcasting or hoped to hear his voice over in a report. Most times, she would anticipate for his signature closure and blissfully say it simultaneously with him: 'Thank you for watching the news at ten on P...T...V, I am Bamidele Johnson! Please stay tuned.'

Or at the end of his report: ' Bamidele Johnson! Reporting for PTV news.'

Fred had been promoted to becoming the news editor which made him appear on television less than before. It worried Morenike until he had one day explained to her that the reason she has not been seeing him broadcasting news on PTV any longer was because he was now the news editor, and he would only broadcast news on occasional basis.

Now that he has been fired, Morenike felt pretty hurt, but she had come to respect Fred even more for standing for the truth. Against all odds. For fighting for the right cause, the poor citizens whom government had always treated like a ping-pong ball. She couldn't have been more proud. Perhaps it was one of the reasons why she turned ice when Fred defended Cynthia earlier on. She admired his pluck.


About six months ago, Sir Lamido, the Head of Station at PTV had called Fred to his office and assigned him to cover a report on how far Kwara state government had gone with disbursing the three hundred and twenty million Naira fund allocated to them by the federal government for the welfare of the state's citizen due to the Corona virus epidemic depriving them of their daily activities and trade.

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