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Its funny how quickly time flies, one minute we were a bunch of scared kids, now we are all teens and nearly adults.
Murphy and Bellamy have joined Jasper and his team of warriors,
Now that I'm fourteen, I been in charge of Knap and Kit both still acting like children, my only ally is Liam, he is thirteen and acts more mature than the other two.
Well sometimes he does, sometimes he acts like your typical teen, I'm no better really but at least I try unlike them.
Bryan and I are more like siblings, we never got any further in our relationship, he see's Jasper as his older brother so he see's all of us as his siblings, Bellamy is happy about that, he thinks I'm still to young to date.
As for Scofield and Link they escaped captivity the night we arrived here, apparently they are still against the rules here.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with their rules.
I been in training ever since we got here, Elon says there's a war coming that is going to be far worse than that of the flu.
Elon planned to tell us about the flu and how things were before.
Personally I think that's unimportant, what good is it for us to know about that time.
At least that was the plan until they came through our camp unannounced.
It was total chaos as the army from one of the domes rushed in attacking everyone and everything that moved.
We all tried to fight back but it was no use.
Apparently none was killed but that's only what a guard told me when he gave me my meal that I refuse to eat, probably poisoned.

Apparently none was killed but that's only what a guard told me when he gave me my meal that I refuse to eat, probably poisoned

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Day was going on as usual, everyone going about with their chores and training, the youngest going to lessons...
"Come on Bell, I'm just as good as you two, please let me join." Octavia pleeded with her older brother.
"O, I said no and that's final.
You know its dangerous out there since the original men are now gone from Deadmen woods.
Besides since when do you want to kill an animal?" Bellamy teased his sister as he gave her a hug, unaware this could be his last hug.
Octavia stood there pouting when Murphy came up behind her.
"Its only half a day we will be home by supper." Murphy said as he hugged her from behind.
"I know but I just have this strange feeling, like I lost something and I won't get it back." Octavia sighed as she melted into her brother's hug.
Murphy turned her around to face him.
"Your safe here, we all are, just relax.
Besides like you said your just as good as us." Murphy teased and kissed her forehead.
They watched as their brothers went off with the hunting party till Elon called for them to get back to chores, lessons and training.
"Your good.
For a girl." Tuck said as he shoved Octavia sending her to the ground.
"Tuck that's your last stike, go help Cook in the kitchen." Archer ordered as he helped Octavia up and checked her lip.
"Go get ice for that lip." Archer sighed.
As Octavia walked around watching the younger kids train while holding ice on her lip.
Suddenly the warning bell sounded.
Before anyone could get to safety the attackers were already on them.
Octavia tried to get to her little brothers but was no use, she was grabbed by a large man.
Octavia watched some fall trying to rescue the children.
Tuck came out of no where about to slam the guy holding onto Octavia but another knocked him out.
Last thing Octavia remembered was seeing her brothers return and fighting, than everything was black...
"Ms. Stone are you listening?" A detective like woman asked.
Octavia blinked and looked around confused of her surroundings.
"What happened, where am I!?" Octavia asked as she tried to move from the table only to be kept there by hand cuffs.
"Your in a Naturals Dome.
Here all the needs for your kind is met." The woman smiled.
Octavia glared at her knowing she must be a Perfect Human to be talking to her like this.
"You talk like we are aliens or some sort of creature.
But your the creature, your DNA has been altered by scientists, mine is still intact as I am supposed to be.
You know in early days you would be considered the abomination." Octavia said smuggly as she stared down the woman.
That's all I needed." The woman said as she typed something on her tablet and tapped on the glass to get the guards attention.
"I want her put in isolation.
I want her also put on catimine." The woman said as she looked back at Octavia with an evil smirk.
"No please, I'm sorry!
What ever I said, I'm sorry!" Octavia started to please wait her.
"Its only a low dose, you won't become addicted, you will still be able to move about and think, your just going to be more relaxed than usual is all child." She patted Octavia's cheek as tears fell.
Catimine is a drug they put nearly fatally wounded people on that puts them in a comma like state, they can still function but they are also in a whole different world, some say they saw visions of heaven, others hell, while on the drug, some think its worse to be on small doses because your more aware of everything including the visions...
"Mr.Stone, you need to stop arguing with me." The male detective like person said.
"Stop arguing!?
Your people stormed into our camp, injuring I don't know how many adults and children, not to mention kidnappings us and holding us here against our will, claiming its safer here for us.
I know its not, I also know we are all immune to what ever you fear outside these domes.
You guys aren't perfect, I saw the gear you wore out there.
Funny how those born natural are those who can adapt out there." Bellamy smirked.
"All true facts, yes apparently some of us aren't as perfect as they thought.
Although we still have lower death rates and lower diseases among our group than yours." The man sighed.
"To tell you the truth, I see we have less diseases since we are having to live off of the things provided to us by our Savior.
In fact I can see that we are also stronger than ever.
I bet that scares you doesn't it?" Bellamy glared at him.
"I will take over, Hank leave us." Another man said as he entered.
There was something about this man that frightened Bellamy.
"You have siblings I am sure you'd like to see again." The man spoke as he looked at a file.
"Look Bellamy, I get that you had a hard life becoming practically their father, raising them and protecting them all these years.
So you keep trying to be the tough guy to anyone who poses a threat to you and your family.
Not saying its a bad thing but its not such a good thing either.
Now I will be taking a few of you back to my home where I can do my studies and you children can be more like children.
I stopped your sisters prescription of catimine.
But I could allow it if you decide to be a problem." The man said as he got closer.
Bellamy gulped as he was now practically nose to nose with this individual who seemed to be threatening.
"What do you want from us?" Bellamy sighed as he dropped his head.
"Your blood.
In a figurative and literal meaning.
Now I am removing your cuffs so don't try anything, we will both go gather your siblings and your cousins and a few of your friends fron the camp that showed some value to my studies." Jones said as he grabbed Bellamy by the arm and lead him out.
"Mr. Miller, I can't approve this.
Sure I can understand you taking the siblings and relatives but all of them you requested..." The woman said as she looked at the release form.
"Ms. Dobbs I'm not really asking I'm telling you.
Now I am taking all those on my list, you have zero authority to stop me, infact if you try and stop me I will have you banned from all practices and have you sent to the factory.
Do I make myself clear?" Jones snapped at her.
Before they all knew it they were placed in a buss like vehicle and driven away from the facility and to another dome.
"You mind telling us who you are?" Jasper asked.
"Trust me boy, the less you know the better." Carson chuckled as he looked over at Jones who also had a smirk.
"Their Night Walker." Kit whispered.
All the kids looked from Kit to the men who didn't hide the fact that Kit figured them out.
"Tell me little one how did you know?" Jones said as he walked back to him and got down to his level.
Lloyd a boy placed next to him pulled him close as if trying to protect him.
"You don't know?
Guess the one you serve doesn't tell you important things.
"So your telling me you Master told you?" Jones chuckled.
"He's my Father not Master.
And yes he told me." Kit said boldly.
Jones growled under his breath, than chuckled as he looked at the frightened boy.
"Your lucky your little and adorable." Jones said as he ruffled his hair.
Meanwhile the older kids now aware they are being held by the Night Walkers were trying to figure a plan to escape.
"Seriously what's the plan." Johnny spoke up before anyone.
"Take you hostage, which is already done, next tests.
Trust me none of you will enjoy my tests, I will spare the youngest from the painful tests but the rest of your will have to earn my compassion to be spared." Jones chuckled.
Like you have any." Knap mumbled under his breath.
Jones was on top of him before anyone could react.
"Knap Stone, you think I am heartless don't you?" Jones said as he pulled him into the isle by his hair.
"Your not proving him wrong." Murphy snapped as he stood up.
"Sit down boy." Jones warned.
"Look at me child." Jones Yankee Knap's head back by his hair.
"Your not much older than your baby brother, your what ten?" Jones asked.
"El~leven." Knap cried.
"Still young enough, your lucky son.
Now go sit down." Jones snapped at him shoving the frightened child back into his seat.
Murphy wrapped his arms around him trying to calm him.
No one seemed to make a sound the rest of the drive.
Jones was actually surprised on how quiet and calm they were.
Technically he should have been concerned but he didn't think anything of it, he didn't know they could still communicate through their connection to the Spirit realm...
"Glad to see your all healthy and still together.
Tuck promise me you will stop being so hot headed, you need to pay attention and think before you act.
That goes for all of you.
These men are never to be trusted except two that just so happened to be spies.
Noah and his men were never told that Scofield and his brother were on a secret mission set up by the Lord himself." Gabriel explained.
"Gabe what of the little ones?
They are to small, what if we get separated from them?" Bellamy asked as he held on to Knap who was still crying even there.
Gabe knelt down and picked up the boy to comfort him.
"They will be cared for, don't worry." Gabe explained.
"Can't we just fully enter the Spirit Realm and use it to escape from them?" Octavia asked.
"I like how you think child.
Unfortunately that time isn't now, keep in mind this is the furthest any of you have entered the realm.
Now if I allow you to fully enter now the danger you are not prepared for could reach you.
Don't worry I am working on a secured way to get you all out and I will look into trying to use the Spiritual realm as a last resort.
Now wake up, your almost at his location, he will become suspicious." Gabriel instructed as he handed Knap over to Murphy.
Gabriel could almost hear there silent groans of defeat as the left.
"Gabe we need to get them away sooner than later.
If he realizes, he has what he has, those kids will be list to us forever.
He won't let us get within a hundred miles of them.
Talk about brainwashing, Jones will do an overhaul on their brains, permanently erasing their memories of everything.
He will even separate them among his men hiding them from us and each other." Jake started to panic.
Gabriel put his hand on Jake's shoulder trying to calm him but this time he could not.
"Jake I understand your concerns, your brother is among them, as is your young appearance but we can't act till it is time, you know this." Gabriel sighed.
"Correction, you can't act before its time, the rest of us have free will." Jake practically snapped at him and stormed off with the other men behind him.
"Lord put a peace in their hearts before they do something they will regret or worse." Gabriel prayed.
He sat there in the room listening to the Lord as he spoke to him.
"Yes I understand, somethings need to take place but we will loose some talented children to the wrong side of we don't act soon." Gabriel grumbled a little under his breath.
"Yes sorry, its just I've grown attached to them, I understand it is your will and not ours." Gabriel sighed as he got up from his chair and went about his daily tasks.
Meanwhile Jake and the other men were making plans on rescuing the children.
"Okay this is where Jones will take them, he owns this domed town, it's opened to the public so we can get in.
Over here next to his personal property is his emergency escape.
This takes us out to an old highway, its nearly destroyed but any jeep or four wheel dive truck can travel it.
If we turn off here that will take us to the Wolf territory.
We have a treaty with them, they will take us in and protect us.
They will be able to take all of us.
Scott, gather the rest we still have and all our gear, you and Gabriel along with Cook will go there, tell their leader what's happened, we might need help along the way.
The rest of you, we leave after them, we will get set up in a hotel.
Miles and Jonas will get work among his ranks.
Keep an eye on the kids, mainly the youngest, you two will also be in charge of letting us know the best time to execute the escape.
Daniel and Mitch will be in contact with Jack at the Wolf territory.
Mitch you still talk to Jack right?" Jake asked.
"Yes, that's where Jackson is right now.
I already told him our little brother Tuck was among those taken.
They are making plans as well.
I will inform them of ours." Mitch said as he and Daniel left the room.
"Noah, you better contact your nephew.
Its time for Alex to get involved with his children." Jake sighed.
"You know he hasn't been himself since loosing his wife.
Emily was everything to him." Noah sighed.
"Yes I know, I also know he is stronger than any of us, I heard about him.
The two of you were put in cryogenic sleep before you got infected, you were apart of a project to preserve a special piece of our history.
Emily was pregnant at the time, she becoming the start of natural births with Jasper but besides that we need him if we want to rescue them." Jake explained.
"Understandable, tho I need to point out if you have forgotten Jake, our little group wasn't the only one to plan such a thing.
Sure you found them before they woke but if your brainwashing proves a failure, the moment he starts talking to your boys we are going to have more problems, especially if he saw Alex and I fear Raven will trigger his memories even sooner." Noah reminded.
"Yes I know that.
Wait you know about us?" Jake looked at Noah in surprise.
"Yes, I remember your group, you were all from the Eternal City.
I found it in this time, still preserved as it should be." Noah told him.
"Once we recuperate that's where we will take them.
Its the only safe area for all of us especially those children." Jake said as he closed up his map.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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