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My eyes suddenly burst open. The first thing I saw was the eyes of the intruder who ha  disturbed my slumber. Whoever it was was perched on top of me. Instinctively, I flipped the person over so I was on top and pressed my right forearm up on their neck. That would make it easy to choke him if I had to.

"I always knew you would try to take me out one day. I didn't know it would be today," I said.

"Rhian! Open your eyes, you're hurting me."

That voice didn't sound like the assassin I was expecting. It sounded oddly familiar. I blinked several times and opened my eyes again.

"Taylor? What are you doing in my bed?"

"Get off me. I don't know what's gonna kill me first: you or your morning breath."

Embarrassed, I quickly got off her and checked my breath. Admittedly, I needed a mint but it wasn't that bad. Back to business though, "Who let you in here? And what are you doing trynna sneak up on me in my sleep?"

"Your sister let me in. She's gone for a jog. She'll be back later," she replied nonchalantly, still lying in my bed. She had even propped her head on a pillow to make herself more comfortable! In my bed!

"Yeah, but what are you doing here?Hollup, did you say you've met Anne?" I don't know how I missed that part, but it was pretty important. I had done my best to keep Anne away from the rest of my life for years now, and this girl was trying to ruin it all in one day.

"Yeah. She's seems pretty nice," she said. The operative word in that sentence is seems. She's not so nice when you get to know her. And since when does Anne go for morning jogs?

"You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing in my bed at this time of the day?"

"Remember when you said you'd make it up to me?"

"Yes,Taylor. It was yesterday morning, and you better not have woken me up to remind me I owe you one."

"No, I woke you up because we're going roller skating. You know how to roller skate, don't you?"

I have never worn shoes that have wheels on them in my entire life.

"Of course I can roller skate, but why me? Don't you have other friends you can do potentially harmful activities with?"

"Well, I do, but they're all on the other side of town. I would have taken my dad, but he woke up feeling sore. Old people things, I guess."

I could relate. After all the work I did yesterday, I was definitely feeling sore.

"Well I'd love to go with you, but I haven't got anything. Skates, helmets, nothing. I guess we'll have to do something else?" I asked hopefully, but her face told me otherwise.

"What size do you wear? Perfect. You can borrow my dad's skates."

What have I gotten myself into?

"Well I'm all about safety. I'm gonna need shin pads, a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads. If you don't have all of those, I'm not coming." I knew I had gotten her. There was no way in hell she had all those things(except maybe the helmet).

"Gimme a minute. I'll be right back." 

I watched her leave. This was my window. I needed to figure something out,and I needed to do it quickly, so I called Tyrone.

"Yo this is not a good time," was the first thing he said.

"What do you mean this is not a good time? I need your help, bro."

"Man I'm telling you, not a good time. I'm in church,"

"Well doesn't the Bible say anything about helping a brother out?" I screamed at him.

"Fine, but be quick."

"So remember the girl from the music room about a month ago? Turns out she's-". He hung up on me. That son of a gun hung up on me.

"I heard you shouting on the phone. Who were you talking to?"

"Umm my mother. Wait no that can't be right. She dead."

"I'm sorry for your loss, but do  you just  throw that in conversation on a regular?"

"Forget I said anything. Did you get everything?"

"Yup. And go brush your teeth or something, and maybe take a bath."

She was trying to make me feel uncomfortable again, but it wasn't going to work this time. I just left to go brush my teeth, and maybe take a bath.

When I got back, she was on my bed. This girl doesn't know the meaning of the word privacy.

I stood at the door, in a towel only, waiting for her to leave on her own. It took her a minute, but she got the message and left.

I took my time getting dressed, even though my outfit consisted of a plain white shirt and jeans. Truth is, I knew I was going to get hurt, but I had already told Taylor I knew how to skate. At the time, it seemed like a casual response, but now I realized I was in trouble.

Hesitantly, I walked into the living room. She wanted me to put on the skates there and then, but I convinced her it was a better idea to do it downstairs.

To be honest, I didn't know what I was worried about. I was a natural at this. The second I put the skates on, I became one with them. I glided effortlessly across the streets, earning Taylor's admiration.

No, that's not what happened. I barely managed to stand for two seconds before I fell right back onto the pavement. We hadn't made it past the car park, and I had fallen three times already.

"You've never done this before, huh?" she asked.

"Nope," I finally confessed.

"That's okay. It'll make this even more enjoyable for me."

I didn't like the look on her face when she said that. It was a menacing look, and I knew I was in for one hell of a ride.

Fast-forward about an hour later, and I was in pain. I had run into a tree and a street light, and all Taylor had done was laugh and take pictures.

"I think I've had enough. Let's go home. Please," I begged.

"Fine, but you're keeping the skates on till we get home."


I run into another street light, but by the time we got back, I had definitely gotten better at skating; or I was better at dodging inanimate objects.

I parted ways with Taylor, who apparently had some packing to do because she was leaving for her mom's place later that day.

Later in the evening, I was just lying in bed when I got a text alert. I rushed to see who it was, because I didn't receive many texts. It was an unknown number. I opened the message only to find picture of Taylor and I. I was on the concrete pavement after being knocked down by a street light, and she was kneeling next to me, a smile on her face. It was a corny picture to be honest, but it made me smile.

Hello there. You may have noticed that Thai chapter was a bit shorter than usual, and that's because it was originally part of the last chapter, but I decided it would make the chapter too long so I cut it. Anyway, if you've enjoyed this part, smash that star and share with your friends. As always, I love an interactive audience. If you have anything on your mind, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to reply. Till next time...

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