Chapter 1

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It is a beautiful day. May seventh, 1646. Today, is my eighteenth birthday. Eighteen years ago I was born in a small cabin and given the name Caterina, Elizabeth, Raven, Kirlandt. But to my six other siblings, Beth, Laurel, Johnithan, Arthur, Margreta, and little Lottie, and many of my friends, I am Catherine.
Catherine of Alberta to be exact. We live in the province of Alberta Canada. I am the oldest of my siblings. My parents had two others before me, but they both sadly died at birth. But that leaves me to help my siblings grow up. After me comes Johnithan. He is a strong, sensible young man at sixteen years old. He is also the one that keeps me grounded. Next comes Beth at fifteen. She is a dreamer and has a wonderful imagination. She often writes stories and plays to entertain us. After Beth came Laurel at thirteen she is most like me. She is wild and daring. She will do anything you dare her to and always top your expectations.
Arthur is twelve and he loves to read. That is probably why he's the best at it. He often reads Beth's stories to us. Margreta is nine, and a very stubborn headstrong child. She often throws a fit if something doesn't go her way, but she is learning every day to control her temper. And lastly came Laura Marie or little Lottie as we prefer to call her. Lottie is one of the sweetest, most angelic children that you will ever hope to meet. She always helps and has a good heart. She was the first one to surprise me on my birthday morning with a cute little doll mother had helped her make for me.
I love Lottie dearly and I put the doll in my bag as I went out to collect any nuts or berries that were in bloom. I was out for about an hour it two when I heard the distant roar of gunfire on the battlefield. You see, we are at war with the French and our soldiers often fight with them. I collected my food and basket and headed back home. I never like to stay out if I hear gunfire going off. A I came through the door, I found all six of my siblings blocking me from entering. "What on earth are you doing?" I asked them. they did t reply instead pushed me out if the house."You can't go in till we say you can. " Johnithan told me. So I decided it was no use to argue with all six if them is I sat outside Ina wooden bench our father made for us. As I sat, I heard more and more gunfire. Lottie curled up to me and held on tight. "I'm scared Cat!" She told me "I don't want to hear the big scary booms!" I pulled her close and Johnithan sat down on the other side of her. "It will be alright", he told her. "The big scary booms are very far away." Lottie decided she couldn't do much about it so she just sat and covered her ears. Beth went into the house after a while and she called us in. Lottie ran in faster than a rabbit and all of us followed. When I got inside I couldn't believe what I saw. My mother and siblings had decorated every inch of the house! There were colorful ribbons and beautiful tinsel everywhere! My mother had put out all of the silver that we owned and polished it till it shone like stars! "This is amazing!" I told them. "Thank you!"
"Your welcome" said all of them in unison. So Beth walked into the small living room, which contained a few chairs, our fireplace, and the piano, and she started to play some of my favorite songs. She played once upon a december, eidelweiss, London sweet london, and so many more that I couldn't possibly count! My mother had made a cake, which is rare because ingredients are usually very expensive. We decided not to eat it till my father arrived back home. So we continued to dance and I started to sing edelweiss.
My family tells me I have a lovely voice, but I can't bring myself to believe them. So, I started to sing "eidelweiss, eidelweiss. every morning you greet me. Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever. Eidelweiss, eidelweiss. Bless my homeland forever" it wasn't till I stopped singing that I realized everyone was staring at me. Me family started to applaud and I started to blush. I was more a less very embarrassed when my father walked through the door. You see, my dad and I are very alike. We both have the same sense of humor, we both are very active, we love sporting games, and somehow we always find ways to get into trouble. My father is also a soldier for Alberta. He fights against Nova-Scotia's soldiers often and tells us Sirius if his favorite victories. I remember, as a little child my father would come home bruised and with more of other people's blood on him then of his own. That was when he was put at the front lines, the most dangerous position. But one thing he got out if it was he became stronger, and is now a general for Alberta. He's the one who supports us mostly. Myself and my mother usually clean and cook though, I like the action if battle more. So I often sit at the kitchen table long after midnight and help my father with battle strategies and new gun and sword designs.
As my father came through the door I ran to embrace him. "Nice to see you cats!" My father exclaimed as I tackled him in a hug. His nickname for me is cats. "How was work old chap?" I asked him. "Old? I believe your the one who is old cats! It's you eighteenth birthday and you dare call me old!" My father likes to tease me in this way.
After we finished making fun of one another we dat down to eat dinner and cake.
After dinner I decided to go up to bed. I couldn't sleep for a whike, so I decided to read. As I was reading, I heard hushed conversation from the floor below me. I crept down the stairs as quietly as I could. As as it turned out, my father and my mother were talking about the war. "Are you sure you want to do this?" My mother asked
"It's the only way, we are running out of men" my father replied.
"Caterina will be heartbroken." said my mother.
"I know, but in time she will under stand." insisted my father
"She will understand"

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