Chapter 3

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A/N picture of Arthur at the top
"No! I won't let you do that! Your lying!" My parents had just told me worse news than I expected. Alexander and Jackson had been drafted. but so had Jonithan. My baby brother. He was the pride and joy of my life. We were always so close. Now it's like my family is tearing us apart. We could be twins if we weren't two years apart. We both had the same curly, dark hair. The same alabaster complexion. The same green eyes. He was even the same hight as me. I love him so much, I just can't let him go. It was just at I burst into tears that Jonithan walked through the door. This, wasn't my Jonithan. He was wearing the blue and white uniform of the English soldiers. His hair had been clipped short and didn't flow like it used to. He had been stuffed into a mold that only I know he could never fit into. "Caterina, I-" But I cut him off. "How long did you know?" I asked him. "Two weeks now. I was planning to tell you sooner but I couldn't on your birthday. Caterina I'm so sorry." He was still the same Jonithan but just too different to be mine at all. "You can't go!" I pleaded "your only sixteen!" "Caterina I'm sorry. The decision has been made and I leave tomorrow for camp." he told me. "Your too young and you are bit leaving!" I yelled at him as I ran out the door. I ran to the lake that was a mike away from my house. My friend Amelia keeps horses there and let's me ride them. So I went down to the lake and sat for a while on a large rock by the water. 'This can't happen to me!' I thought. 'They are all so dear to me. I just can't let them go!' Then I heard footsteps behind me. I knew it was one if the three boys. I ran to the stall next to the lake grabbed my favorite horse, midnight, and looked at the person just long enough to tell who it was. Alexander had found me by the lake and had come to talk to me. He also had his horse, miracle, who was even faster than midnight. I took off cantering on the horse and heard Alexander screaming my name from behind. He sounded desperate. I almost stopped to see what I could do, but forced myself on. We headed into the woods and it eventually got so dark that I couldn't even see the tree right in front of me. Luckily midnight did and skidded to a halt just before we made impact. I decided there was nowhere I could hide that Alexander couldn't find me. He knows me to well. So u got off my horse and waited for him. After a few minutes, Alexander and miracle came crashing through the trees. "Caterina, my darling, please can we talk?" Only he can call me that but not right now! "How dare you! You call me your darling like nothing is wrong! Like nothing is about to happen!" "Caterina I know that this is sudden and I would've told you sooner, it's just I never got the chance to. And I couldn't hurt you on your birthday." "You should've told me then! We could've at least spent some more time together to prepare! Jonithan told me everything. Your leaving tomorrow and possibly won't come back!" "Caterina" he paused and slid off if his horse. "I promise, I will come back for you." I couldn't see him except for the stars in his eyes. His brown hair was completely black and his fair skin couldn't be seen as he came towards me. "I just thought we had a future together. We could've had a family Alexander!" "And we will. I swear it!" With that he put one hand on the back if my neck and one in my hair and pulled me towards him and kissed me. Usually people never did this till they were engaged! But it didn't feel wrong. As Alexander ran his fingers through my hair, I put my hands on his face. I could feel his cheekbones and his pulse. I could feel all the passion and love he put into the kiss. Then without warning, he broke away. Still holding me close. "I swear to you Caterina, I will return and I promise we will be married and have a family." With that, he slipped something into my hand. "I love you now and forever and don't forget it my dear Caterina." He told me. "And I love you Alexander." I replied he gave me one last burning kiss and then slowly drew away. He got back onto his horse and ride back through the forest leaving me with my thoughts. I opened my hand to find what he had given me, a ring. It had a small white jewel in the center and two blue ones on either side. On the inside hoop of the ring was engraved writing. I couldn't see it in the dark forest so I rode out. When I left midnight back at the lake, I read the writing 'now and forever till death do us part' read the writing on the ring. I just stood there in absolute shock. Alexander had just proposed to me.
I of course slipped the ring into my left ring finger and walked back home. Where a sympathetic Jackson was waiting for me.

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