Chapter 2

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A/N picture of Caterina at the top
"She will understand" my father had said. I will understand what? Thoughts raced through my mind. He had said they were running out if men, does this mean he was going to draft soldiers? What if Alexander gets drafted! Alexander is my best friend and insists he will be my only suitor if we are to be married. We are u certain that we will even, but we are sure we could be happy together. But now that hope will be shattered if he gets drafted. Alexander just can't be drafted. My Alexander with his curly brown hair, his strong arms and ivory smile. Alexander with his mesmerizing hazel eyes. He just couldn't leave me!
But what if Jackson gets drafted?
Jackson is one of my best friends in the whole world. I couldn't imagine loving him though. We are so very different. But I would miss his something's ride humorous his long blonde hair, his crooked smile. The way he could always make me happy. If either one of my friends gets drafted, my heart will be broken. Just like my father said.
But what if they don't? I'm at the age now, where I'm expected to marry a man. If they don't get drafted, I will marry Alexander and Jackson will me his best man like we have always talked about. I can have a beautiful dress. I always talked about having a dress like my mothers which luckily she had saved for me. All I would have to do is modify it. And both of us thought that bot even the dress mattered if we could both honestly look at each other and have that special connection that not may people have. The music would start playing and my three bridesmaids and one flower girl would go down the aisle and then, the doers would shut while the music changed. Then the doers would open in a burst of light and Alexander would give me the one special look that says ' you are mine and forever I will love you' that I feel is a critical part to any wedding of mine.
But now, if Alexander gets drafted, I may just loose the love if my life and to what? A pitiful war! It's not worth it if we have to loose so much just to gain land and slaves! Why endanger so many people when we could live in peace!
I don't understand why we all should suffer because people want to build houses and have food made for them!
No. I will not let my father do this! I don't care of he is running out if men. My boys are staying home.
As I was sleeping, I had some very disturbing dreams about Alexander and Jackson going off to war and I would be stuck at home. One in particular stood out to me: I was at a funeral. A picture of Alexander was at the front of the church by a closed coffin. There were my family and his family sitting near the front closest to the coffin was a priest. Dressed in all black. All of a sudden the coffin slowly started to creak open. Alexander got out. But, he wasn't my Alexander. "Caterina, come with me now and let's be married!" He told me his hazel eyes boring down into my green ones. Except, they weren't his eyes. They weren't the lively, beautiful orbs that I had remembered. They were cold, dark and sinister. The light greenish brown color they were was now an evil, blackish brown. "Alexander? That's not you!" I exclaimed and tried to wrench free from his grasp "my darling catherine, of course it is me." His voice wasn't his either. It was hollow and empty, emotionless even. "Darling, marry me now and we can live a happy life together." His voice was just a shell. He was just a shell of who he used to be. "No. This isn't right." I told him. "But it's the most right thing in the world." He said in the same dead voice. "Your not supposed to be in this world" I replied. Then, he turned to dust as I woke up. It was then that I realized I had been screaming. Beth was shaking me to try ad wake me up.
"Cat wake up!" She was yelling at me. "Catherine! It's just a dream" I finally came to and I said "don't worry about it. My imagination is too active.". "Mother and father want to see you downstairs after your dressed". Beth told me. "I wonder why." "I'm not sure but they said it was important". "Alright I'll be there soon" I said as a feeling of dread crept up inside me.
So I quickly dressed in my favorite blue and silver dress because I figured I would have an important visit to make. Then I went downstairs. "Caterina, we have something to tell you.". My mother said. "Why don't you come sit down dear?" Said my father. So I sat in my place at the table and it all went downhill from there.

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