Car Journey

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The car ride was oddly pleasant with Claire driving safely, Liam cracking his annoying knock knock jokes.

"Knock knock?" Liam asked Claire grinning sheepishly.

"Who's there?" Claire replied with a bored tone, she must have already heard about 30 knock knock jokes already but she didn't want to tell Liam to stop with them because she was secretly enjoying them.

"Lettuce" replied Liam, grinning.

"Lettuce who?"

"Lettuce in, its cold out here!" Liam giggled at his own joke and soon laughter from Claire followed. Muffled laughter could be heard from the back of the car. Lily was sat on the right side of Jack silently laughing as she lightly threw skittles onto Jacks hair as he slept peacefully , completely unaware of what was happening to his precious hair that he spent ages on trying to get it combed perfectly.

Reese was sat beside Jack, slowly tipping water onto cotton balls, being careful not to spill the water onto Claire's car seats. Claire would most likely lose the plot if Reese wet her car seats. Reese carefully dabbed the wet cotton balls onto Jack's hair trying to get the skittles wet so they would hopefully stain jack's Blondel brown hair multiple colours. Lily and Reese had successfully managed to colour most of Jack's hair, Lily couldn't help but be somewhat surprised at the fact that Jack hadn't moved an inch considering she and Reese had been messing with his hair for a good hour.

At least she now knows that Jack is definitely a deep sleeper which could come in handy if she ever wants to play a prank on him whilst he's asleep. Claire looked up into the rear mirror grinning as she saw Lily and Reese trying their very hardest not to laugh as they continued to colour Jack's hair. Liam burst into a fit of pure laughter which gained everyone's attention, Lily was just about to throw a skittle and Reese was about to dab some water on Jack's hair but they had stopped dead in their tracks because of Liam's laughter.

"Knock knock?" Liam asked in between laughs.

"Who's there?" Reese asked as he was eager to know what had caused Liam to laugh so loudly.

"Iran" replied Liam, who was still laughing. Claire and Lily couldn't help but join in on the laughter, they were mainly laughing at the fact that Liam who was laughing like a hyena at this moment in time.

"Iran who?" Reese had a feeling he already knew what Liam's next words were about to be.

"Iran all the way here, let me in already? haha I ran" Everyone started to laugh at the fact that the joke was so terrible but Liam found it so funny. Jack was still soundly asleep , squished in between Reese and Lily who were laughing.

Reese started to laugh even more when he quietened down and heard Lily cackling like an old witch who still continued to throw skittles at Jack. Reese wondered how many bags of skittles Lily had brought with her as she was already on her second pack of them but then again Lily was wondering why an earth Reese had brought cotton balls with him. It was as if Lily and Reese, were made to be complete oddballs with the most weirdest ideas to human kind.

Jack awoke from his deep slumber only to feel a skittle hit his forehead and a loud gasp come from Lily and Reese. Jack began to mutter a bunch of gibberish as he ran his hands through his hair only to feel a bunch of skittles, stuck to his hair. "What have you done?!" Jack asked questionably, ruffling his hair. He was confused as to why he had wet hair full of skittles. "Ain't done anything" Reese, replied throwing the cotton balls on the floor and folding his arms across his chest, trying his best not to make eye contact with Jack. Reese knew that if he was to look at Jack he wouldn't be able to stop himself from laughing.

Jack shook his head before dozing back off to sleep. Claire and Liam still continued to say Knock knock jokes to each other.

After a couple of hours, Claire turned a corner and parked the car before turning the car off and glancing at the back of the car. Claire woke Liam up and pointed towards the back whilst having a finger in front of her mouth, signalling Liam to be quiet. Claire had been wondering why there was no noise coming from the back. Lily, Reese and Jack were all cuddled up to each other asleep. Pity Reese was third wheeling, Liam thought to himself. Liam grabbed his phone and took a quick snap of the scene in the back and sent it to Claire before turning his phone off and plonking it into his pocket.

"You waking them up or me?" Claire asked Liam quietly.

"Well I was thinking we could play a prank on them" Liam replied, grinning mischievously. Liam, had something planned in his mind but all he needed was for Claire to join in on his evil master plan. 

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