Cinderella Tent

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"You are taking the piss right now?!?" Reese was beyond annoyed, he had come all this way to camp with them only to have a pop up Cinderella tent.

"Reese its just a tent" Lily said dumbfoundly.

"Lily would you want to sleep in a bloody pop up Cinderella tent?!" Reese asked Lily flinging his arms up in despair.

"Well no" Lily replied

"Exactly" Reese replied, looking at Lily with a bored expression.

"At least it pops up" Liam said.

"Very true, you don't even have to spend a minute on it, just unfold it and poof its there" Jack said.

Reese groaned before hunting for a sleeping bag.

"Fuckk this! You guys are taking the mick now, a bloody little mermaid sleeping bag. Your joking right? " Reese asked looking extremely annoyed.

"Would you have preferred a Thomas the tank one maybe?" Jack asked Reese.

"Yes that would have been better!" Reese replied, throwing his mermaid sleeping bag with a huff.

"Rightie'o how about we forget about all this and go through the camping duties?" Claire asked, holding a piece of paper.

Everyone nodded in approval, Claire quickly scanned the paper.

"Lily your doing the cooking and cleaning, Reese and Jack you two are going to set up the proper tents whilst Liam and me are sorting the campfire out" Claire said, placing the paper back into her bag.

"Lets go set the tents up then Jack"

Everyone quickly shuffled to go and do what their were meant to be doing. Lily went to make a start on food whilst Reese and Jack went to attempt at putting the tents up and Claire and Liam went to get wood for the fire later on tonight.

Claire and Liam

Claire and Liam walked peacefully side by side as they walked through the forest, Liam looked around trying to find firewood.

"Over there" Claire pointed towards a lake that had a pile of sticks on the side of it, they made their way towards it.

"This is a really nice view" Claire said gawking at the lake.

You couldn't blame Claire for gawking because the view itself was breathtaking. The lake itself was a wonderful feature. The water was still and the water was so clear that you could see the all the colourful stones beneath the water.

"Yeah it is" Liam said.

Claire placed the sticks that she had found on the way and walked over to the lake. She gently sat down and lifted her knees up to her as she let her chin rest on her knees.

Liam stared at Claire, he couldn't help but admire her beauty. To him she was truly a goddess. Her long wavy brown hair flowing as the wind lightly blew her hair. Her delicate pale skin, that you could see perfectly right now as the moon shone on her igniting light, just enough to light her up.

Her perfect lips that were pouted slightly as she gazed out into the water. Liam slowly made his way over to her and sat down next to her. She looked over at him smiling softly. Liam felt transfixed by her eyes, her green eyes that had a twinkle in them as she smiled.

"I love this place" Liam felt chills run down his arms as sarah spoke. Her voice was oddly sweet this time, you could tell she was relaxed.

Claire scooched closer to Liam and placed her head on his shoulder. Liam felt electricity run through him as he felt Claire lay her head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself before wrapping his arm around her. They sat there gazing at the still water.


"Reese hold the bloody tent?!" Jack shouted.

"I am!" "What do you think this is in my hand then?" Reese replied, angrily flinging his hand up with the other side of the tent in his hand.

"Just keep stay still for me to put these poles through" Jack shook his head before grabbing a pole and pushing it through the tent.

"What the hell?!" Reese jumped in fright when he felt something prod his ass, he looked to see what it was and to no surprise it was the pole Jack just had.

"What?" Jack asked questionably.

"You just poked my ass with your pole" Reese replied, eyeing the pole with a murderous glare. Jack just cracked up laughing.

"Reese do you realize how wrong that sounds?" Claire asked as she returned from the forest with a pile of firewood along with Liam.

"Shut it you" Reese replied childishly sticking his tongue out at Claire, in which she rolled her eyes.

"You guys are terrible at tents" Liam smirked, shaking his head. He placed the logs on the ground and walked over to the boys to help with the tents.

Claire made her way over to Lily who was flinging pans around. Lily looked up quickly when she heard footsteps approaching her. "Oh hey Claire" Lily said, looking through a box for pans.

"You look like your struggling?"

"I am"

"Whats the problem?" Claire asked, staring at the pile of pans on the floor. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea putting Lily on cooking duty.

"I'm not sure what pan I should put the eggs in. I need to make boiled eggs?" Lily muttered, running her hands through her hair. She was beyond stressed out.

Claire couldn't help but stifle a giggle, Lily looked up when she heard Claire fake cough.

"Whats so funny now?" Lily chided, annoyed that Claire was laughing at a time like this. She had been trying to find a dam pan for over an hour and Claire was just stood there shaking with laughter.

"Lily ahah you don't" Claire gasped trying to speak. She clutched her stomach trying to stop the pain. She quickly wiped a few tears from her eyes before looking back up at Lily with a serious face.

"You use a saucepan to boil an egg not a frying pan" Claire bent down to retrieve a saucepan and passed it to Lily who was pulling her lips in.

With a blushing face, Lily shooed Claire away and got back to cooking with the right equipment.

"Jack you might wanna give Lily a hand" Claire shouted over to Jack who was sat on the grass chugging down a beer whilst watching Reese trying to get into his pop up tent.

"Why?" Jack asked, not bothering to look up. He found it more entertaining to watch Reese get into the hole.

"Well Lily has been spending most of her time trying to find a frying pan to boil eggs. So if I was you, give her a hand before she gives us all food poising" Claire muttered.

Jack was up and gone just like a flash, running towards Lily.

Walking over to the boys, Claire grabbed a bottle of beer and passed it to Liam who smiled. 

"Why don't they make these holes bigger?" Reese grumbled, trying to slide himself through the hole of the pop up tent.

"Because its for kids" Liam replied, putting his arm around Claire.

"Reese you need to lose weight love" Claire teased. Liam chuckled at Claire who gazed up at him adoringly.

"Shut it you!" Reese sneered, finally giving up and standing up. 

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