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Lily's eyes fluttered open as she awoke from her slumber. She let out a yawn as she leaned forward. Lily looked around wondering whereabouts she was, she started to panic when she realized that it was pitch black outside and Claire and Liam seemed to be missing.

Lily quickly pinched Jack and he woke up startled, wincing as he rubbed where Lily had pinched him.

"What the hell was that for?" Jack asked groggily, as he rubbed his eyes yawning.

"Where are Claire and Liam?" Lily asked worriedly as she kept looking out the window, trying to find them.

"How am I supposed to know?!?" Jack hissed at Lily.

"Alright then, I was only asking!" Lily rolled her eyes as she sat back in a mood. Jack crossed his arms and nodded back off to sleep. Jack didn't mean to be nasty to Lily but he was so sleep deprived. He and Reese had a couple of drinks last night and because they had to leave early, he didn't get a chance to recover from his hangover.

Reese had somewhat managed to get over his hangover quickly but now he was next to Jack, completely knocked out. Lily huffed in exasperation as she stared out the window, wondering where an earth Claire and Liam were.


Lily jumped in fright as something hit the car and made a loud band. What could that have been? Lily thought to herself as she nervously opened the car door and got out. It was dead silent apart from the stones making a crunching noise as Lily walked around the car. Lily felt a sense of relief wash over her when she saw that there nobody around her. Lily was about to get back in the car when suddenly arms grabbed her and started to tickle her. Lily shrieked loudly which woke up Reese and Jack, Lily turned around and slapped the culprit. Giggles could be heard from the side.

"That's what you get for pranking her" Claire said laughing.

"Didn't expect to be slapped though" Liam replied, rubbing his cheek which was bright red at this point whilst Lily just stood there shocked.

"Whats going on?" Reese asked looking at Lily who was still standing there looking shocked. 

"Yeah that's what I would like to know, you okay Lily?" Jack asked, walking towards Lily and putting his arm around her. 

Lily sighed and shook her head, "Yeah I'm good, Liam just scared me that's all"

"Why did you scare her for?" Jack asked Liam, walking towards him.

"It was a joke" Liam replied scratching the back of his neck nervously. Jack pushed Liam which made him fall to the floor.

"Jack stop it" Lily and Claire said in sync as they edged closer so that if Jack made a move they would be able to grab him in time.

"I'm only going to tickle him as pay back, I ain't gonna hit him. He's like a brother to me" Jack replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh thank you lord" Liam said looking up at sky happily, Liam was about to move away from Jack as Jack edged closer to him when Reese came out of nowhere.

"Sandwich!" Shouted Reese as he ran and pushed Jack over. Liam groaned in pain as Jack fell on top of him with Reese on top of Jack.

"Hah Liam got sandwiched" Lily said trying to make a pun.

"Real smooth Lily" Claire replied, looking unimpressed.

"I'm smooth like butter you see" Lily replied flipping her hair back, trying to act cool. Claire shrugged her shoulders.

"Fair play Lily, your the definition of cringy" Liam said, still trapped under jack as Reese was being stubborn and wouldn't budge off Jack. 

"And you look like a bowl of noodles fell on your head" Lily replied, Liam frowned at Lily's comeback before touching his hair.

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