Little Fucker

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"Oh I'm Liam and I'm sooooo in love with Claire!" Reese said teasingly poking Liam in the shoulder. Liam turned his head to glare at Reese.

"Aye he's saying the truth" Jack agreed, turning to look at Liam. Liam glowered at Jack and Reese before looking away.

"Yeah and you can't even tell Lily the truth" Liam muttered quietly to himself.

Raising an eyebrow, Jack laughed. "Fuck right off, you've been in love with Claire for how many years is it now?"

"3" Reese added,sipping on his tea.

Jack nodded to Reese "yeah 3 years and you haven't even told her you like her"

Sighing, Liam let his empty can fall to the ground. "It's hard man"

"Mate you just need to go up to her and just tell her" Reese mumbled quietly.

"I agree with Reese, you need to tell her because she will find someone and that boy or girl whatever shes into will whisk her away- " Jack did some whisking hand movement. "like that and she'll be gone forever" Jack pointed out leaning forward to look over at Liam who had a weary expression on his face. The thought of Claire being with someone sent a wave jealous soar through his body leaving him feeling cold. The only thing stopping Liam from telling Claire was rejection. Rejection, that word alone sent shivers down his spine. He had never been rejected in his life, he had never really asked a girl out despite being in a relationship.

"Since we are on the topic of relationships, have you and Lily done the job" Reese grinned, winking at Jack who returned the look with a scornful expression.

"Mate thats just wrong, you dont ask that type of stuff" Liam grimanced, he roughly shook his head. "I can't get that imagine out of my head"

"Then why are you imagining it?" Reese said, cocking his head.

"Nah mate, you just think dont you?"

"No I dont thhink of that type of things?"

"Then why ask the question?"

Reese pondered over an answer "Because I was wondering?" He said with a weary tone making it sound more like a wuestion and not an answer.

"For your information we have not done it and I'd rather we not talk about that stuff" Jack said sternly with a grim on his face.


"Lily for the hundreth time you cant boil an egg in a frying pan!" Claire scolded Lily as she picked up a saucepan and passed it to Lily who rolled her eyes in annoyance. She couldn't help it if she couldnt cook, everyone knew that she couldnt cook and yet they still gave her the role of cooking.

"Why give me the role of cooking then!?"

"So you can learn maybe? "

"And you really think im going to learn how to cook in the middle of nowherew with no cook books or anything?"

"Lily first of all how do you think people in the olden days learnt how to cook?"

"How am I supposed to know that? Im not that old"

"They experimented"

"You do realise that if I do that, then we need to get a that big red bottle thing that goies whooshie whooshie and puts fire out" Lily started to do a whoosh movement with her hands.

Claire stared at Lily with a confused expression

"You mean a fire extinguisher?"

"Does it go whooshie whooshie?"

"It puts fire out and its right here" Claire walked over to the big box of supllies and picked up a fire extinguisher.

Lily beamed with pride as she plucked it out of Claire's hands.

"Hey do you think we could fill this with water and spray Reese with it?" Lily gave an evil smirk as a plan formed in her mind.

"No Lily, just no" Rolling her eyes, Claire waved Lily off and walked out the cooking tent to leave Lily figure out what to cook.

Jack layed down on the floor, sunglasses in taking in the warmth from the sun. Cans of beer beside him. Liam fanned himself down as he sweated profusely..?(CHECK WORD SPELLING) He struggled to cope under the warm rays of the sun. Breathing out, he started to fan himself even more. Leaning forward he grabbed a bottle of water and twisted the cap off flicking it away.

"Ow!" Reese screamed.

Liam dropped his bottle, spilling it all over himself. "Reese mun!"

Jack lifted his head, pushing his glasses up he glanced at Liam who was jumping around trying to get his shorts off. He looked at his right, Reese was clutching his eye in agony.

"What happened?" Jack asked.

"Reese decided to scream as I was trying to take a sip from my bottle" Liam shot a glare at Reese.

Jack glanced over at Reese. "Is that true?"

Reese clutched his eye, swearing profusely. "Only because that fucker sent a bottle top flying at my eye"

Liams eyes widened "Sorry"

Reese stared at him with one eye unimpressed. "Sorry doesn't cut it, you couldve blinded me!" Reese yelled, pointing at his eye.

Liam shrugged "If it helps I've got to walk around in my boxers?"

Reese shook his head "No" He said bluntly.

Jack looked between the two and chuckled. "You two are mad"

Reese and Liam both looked over at Jack. "Says the one who lying on mud" Reese muttered.

Jack leaned forward, his back covered in mud. "Why didnt you tell me sooner?!"

Reese shrugged "Dunno"

Jack groaned "Is there any lakes near?"

Liam nodded "I'll get the girls and we'll head there"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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