00. introduction

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- concept -

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- concept -

ʀɪᴄᴋʏ ʙᴏᴡᴇɴ and ɴɪɴɪ sᴀʟᴀᴢᴀʀ-ʀᴏʙᴇʀᴛs never had a full-on conversation with each other. but when partnered for a psychology project, they start to get to know each other. what happens when the conversations start become personal and deep? 

- main characters -

ricky bowen (he/him)

"i just want to feel okay"

17, junior, captain of the football team at east high. he doesn't do the best in school but does well to get by. he has a reputation of being a bad boy from the many fights and arguments he has had with friends and teachers. besides football, he enjoys playing his guitar and hanging out with his group of friends: gina, big red and ej. he enjoys his time at school as it is an escape from the harsh reality at home.

at the beginning of his freshman year, his parents went through a really tough divorce. his dad ended up leaving since his job moved him to washington state but his mom was staying in salt lake which means he had to stay in order to be at east high. things aren't well in the bowen household. 

since the divorce of his parents, ricky wasn't able to sleep at night. along with the split, demanding of sports, school and his reputation was building to anxiety and depression. he hasn't told anyone about anything and he doesn't plan on it.

nini salazar-roberts (she/her)

"just let me live my life"

16, junior, straight A students and apart of the east high drama department. she has a small social circle of seb, carlos, ashlyn and her best friend, kourtney. she enjoys being with her friends and writing songs on her guitar. she tries to stay away from drama and chaos by following the rules. 

but sometimes doing the right thing doesn't take you away from chaos.

 her home life is very difficult with her strict parents. her parents, well more like mama c, are very demanding and want her to follow in their footstep and go to Columbia University to study business and own a big corporate business like her moms. nini wanted to opposite, she wanted to go to berklee and study anything in theater but refused to go against her parents.

since high school, nini developed sleep insomnia due to the amount of homework, projects, test to work on, along with working late hours at mama c's diner, and preparing of upcoming musicals.

- notes -

trigger warnings will be added at the beginning of the chapter

protagonists: nini, ricky, mike, mama d

antagonists: lynne, todd, mama c

ej/gina and carlos/seb are established

starts at the beginning of the school year

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