03. argue argue argue

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tw// arguing 

a couple of days later

nini and ricky decided to meet up at the beginning of next week to finish up their project because they were presenting their findings at the end of the week. they haven't been focused on the project as much as ricky was playing a game that friday and nini was focused on her studies and preparing for the fall musical.


ricky walks out of his car and head toward the front door with his school bag

knock knock*

nini opens the door to her house. "hey. come in"

"thanks." ricky walked in. "are you sure it's okay i'm over. i know you try to avoid being home."

"it'll be okay. my parents aren't home and they work late tonight"

"cool" they made small talk heading pass the living room and into the dining room table, where they would be working at that night.

"do you want some water?" nini went up towards the fridge

"no, i'm good. thank you though" he smiled.

"how was football practice?" 

"rough." ricky sighed "this week we're against west high and they haven't lost a game yet."

"but you guys haven't lost either. i'm sure you guys will be okay." nini said and ricky softly smiled. 

"how was theater?" 

"it was alright. miss jenn is freaking out because opening night is in a few weeks" this fall musical was mary poppins and was a background character (ensemble). nini wasn't exactly thrilled being a background character again as a junior but she was happy to even be the show.

"isn't our theater program like one of the best in the state?" ricky asked and she nodded "then there is nothing to be worried about. you guys are going to kill it."

one thing about this project is that they both got to know each other really well and started to look out and care for the others. for both of them, it was nice to rant and talk about the success and defeats in their everyday life. nini found out ricky is nothing like his character inside school and still doesn't know why. while ricky finally found a friend who he can trust to tell everything about his life and not get judged for it. obviously both still trying to avoid home life and their insomnia in part of their conversations.

"okay. so we need to see how non-verbal and verbal communication connect." nini opened her computer.

"yeah." ricky grabbing his materials out of his bag. "i think it's better understand it when people lie or think negatively"

"yeah, like it's easy to say one thing but your body language is saying another. something that i notice, is people that don't want to be talked about or is like hiding something avoid eye contact, puts their head down and their voice is like very monotone."

"but also when people are hiding something, their pitch or voice is higher than usually. or they talk really fast and try and avoid the conversation or subject"

both were constantly pitching examples to each other while nini added it to their document while ricky was researching more. they were working really well together and just felt good to not think about extracurricular activities, their sleep problems, family life and everything else in between.


nini and ricky continued to work together, taking breaks in between to either have a snack or just talk about life. they were currently talking about ricky's upcoming football came when they heard the door open.

"nini? i'm home." mama c called out.

"mom." a stunned nini said. "i thought you were working until 9pm?"

"no, i got everything done earl- nini who is this?! why is a boy over at the house?!?!"

"mama c, he's just here for a project in psych. that's it. nothing else." nini said

"yes, hi mrs. salazar-roberts im ricky bowen. we're working on our unit project for ap psychology." ricky came in.

mama c was frustrated at her daughter's actions. "nini, you are really trying to set up yourself for failure, aren't you? lying to me, hanging out with boys, NOT FOCUSING ON YOUR STUDIES. didn't i just tell you last week that columbia doesn't like slackers because right now, you wouldn't even be considered for that school. you'll end up going to university of utah. i'm heading up to put things away, when i come back, he better be gone and we will talk"

mama c headed upstair with her work bags, while nini and ricky watch her walk (more like stomp) up the staircase.

"nini" ricky walked towards her "are you okay?"

"yeah. um. totally." nini lied.

"nini, i hope you realize that we have a project on verbal and non-verbal communication. i know when you are lying now." she sighed. he was right. she wasn't okay. she wanted to run away but she also did want to become a disappointment to the family.

"um, you're right. i just don't want you to get in trouble. we can talk about the at school or somewhere else. just not right know." ricky nodded, grabbing his materials, putting them in his book bag before started walking out the door.

"thanks for coming over ricky. i'll see you tomorrow." nini opened the door for her.

"thanks for having me over. i hope everything goes well." he said. he went to hug her and kissed her forehead and headed out the door. 

he wasn't sure why he did that, but it look like she needed it so he showed her a silent sign of comfort for her.

 back at nini's home, nini was ready for another mama c talk about "her dreams and future plans". when it was more like "mama c's dreams and future for her daughter so has no say in this" 

"nini. you have to be kidding me about bring a boy over. especially ricky. you know that boy acts."

"mom, i literally told you the truth when i said, he was over for a partner project for ap psychology. what else do you need to know."

"nina salazar-roberts, are you yelling at me?!?!?! what has gotten into you, you can't be around that boy anymore."

"mom, i love you but i kinda need to be around him if  i want a good grade on my psych project and my overall grade for that class."

mama c sighed in defeat. "fine but after this project is done, no more hanging out with him or talking to him. he is also not allowed in this house."

nini smiled as mama c walked out of the living room and into the kitchen to make herself dinner. nini felt good in somewhat fighting back for herself to her own mother. 

nini was changing

but maybe for the better?


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