Nine: The Greenlaine Alley

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The Pixiestail big living room was filled with the usual everyday noise. And the threesome have gotten used to it like everybody else. Everyone seems celebrating their membership in the house.

The three ladies were in the corner, talking with Ellah Tray about her inventions. She was plainly talking about her plans for the liquid purifier -- How she wanted to add a mixer feature and the never ending water portion --- and the digital recorder she would like to show them next time.

Well, Pariana was hooked in the topic and the two, Peteriona and Patricia, just seated there pretending to be interested in whatever Ellah was saying. But the idea was very intriguing indeed that Patricia envied Ellah for being such a genius.

"First years, I nearly forgot to tell. Ellah if you may." Felices spoked and everyone looked at Ellah and so did the threesome beside her.

"Ahh yes, wait." Ellah went upstairs and after a moment, she came back wearing her uniform in beneath her black robes. There was a badge on the left; a Pixiestail badge.

"So first years, as I was saying. This is your official uniform as a member of the Pixiestail house."
Every first year stare at Ellah in her uniform with great awe. The uniform suited her well.

"You can have this one on Madame Jueivia Boutique, in Greenlaine Alley. You can visit there on this weekend. Any questions?" Felices asked looking extremely sleepy. But none questioned her and so she said that 'it's getting late, better be in bed.'

Everyone says 'goodnight' to everybody. And went on each of their bedrooms.

"Goodnight Pete, Goodnight Par." Patricia said and entered on her slumber. Today was so exhausting that she forgot to worry about having nightmares and waking up empty.


Patricia opened her eyes from being close. She sated in her bed looking pale. Her semi-golden hair was very messy, and her blanket have fallen off from her bed. It's still 5:00 AM in her table clock. She got of her feet and peered on the window beside her wardrobe. The view was good from up there, she can see beyond the surrounding thick trees, the Town of Alandrea.

It was 10 years ago when she was still wandering around the town, begging for food. When she was hit by a car, and wake up with a man claiming himself as her grandfather; Thomas Hayes.

After being out in the Medical Institute of St. Rita, she lived with her grandfather in a small house located just in the outskirts of the town.

The time she have spent with her grandfather was not that much since it was only two weeks. Then her grandfather sent here to Clairemont School of Wizards for better learning and for a better life the school could offer. The two weeks were enough for her to ask questions about herself and her parents, she have found out they have died a heroic death. They lead the second great magic war, also known as the Golden Rebellion.

The time have passed quickly, and the deep blue sky was now mixed with pale red pastels; the sun was rising on the horizon. It is now 5:30, and Patricia decided to waked up her best friends --- Pariana and Peteriona--- and the three of them took an early bath. The bathroom was just like the bathroom on their former dorm. However, it is much filled with pink and gold rather plain ivory.

The three ladies, later on, got dressed on their uniforms. Since they don't yet have a robe, they were wearing their usual black long sleeves with a red necktie fixed around the collar, and black skirt on level on their knees then white socks and black school shoes. They were ought to buy their robes this Saturday.

The three went down the spiral staircase and have proceeded in the living room. Patricia looked around and saw the first years, also wearing their uniforms without robes, except for Ellah. The Pixiestail wizards went out on their dorm together and went down the golden staircase then to the Easterian Hall.

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