9. Another One

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"I want another one"

"Huh?" You looked up from the eggs you were whisking, frowning at your husband as he smiled handsomely over the rim of his coffee cup.

"I want another one" he repeated, gesturing to Zara, who was busy greedily stuffing whatever she could into her mouth, chubby fists sticky with saliva.

"What do you mean you want another one?" you repeated dumbly. "Wait, do you mean 'another one' as in another kid?!" you asked incredulously. Tom nodded and made a face at Zara, who squealed happily, slamming her hands against her high chair. "No way!"

"Why not?" he asked, expression puzzled as he looked back at you.

"It hurt Thomas!"

"Darling, I was there" he said, grabbing a wet wipe to clean his daughters face, deftly removing stick peaches from her deliciously chubby cheeks in spite of her objections. "Do you want a brother or sister? Do you? Tell Mama you want a sibling. Tell her!" he cooed, gently tickling Zara.

She responded by shrieking with delight, clapping her hands together before aggressively grabbing onto his nose. She smiled as she stuck her fingers up his nostrils and in his eyes and, judging by her enormous grin, was very pleased with herself. Wincing slightly, Tom gently freed himself from her probing fingers, kissing her sticky palms as he looked at you, puppy dog eyes in full effect. The two of them behaving so adorably was enough to make your shaky resolve even weaker.

"Don't use the baby to get what you want!" you huffed.

"I'm not doing anything of the sort!" Tom replied, pretending to be scandalised.

"Yes you are! You know full well what you're doing, even if she doesn't"

"I have no idea what you're talking about". He did a poor job hiding his smile in his mug, eyes twinkling mischievously.

"I've a right mind to burn your omelette" you grumbled.

"You wouldn't" he replied confidently, though he glanced at the pan nervously.

"Try me, Spider-Boy"

"Man, Y/N. I'm Spider-Man"

"Man huh? What kind of man makes his wife do all the cooking when she was up all night because his daughter has teeth coming through?"

Tom blushed. "The same man who is going to do all the cleaning. You know I can't cook very well" he whined.

"If I had known you were this useless I never would have married you" you teased, turning your back to him as you flipped the omelette.

"Do you call this useless?" he asked, suddenly standing behind you, pressing your hips into the countertop, breath hot against your neck.

"Tom" you gasped as a hand deftly pushed aside your underwear to stroke the flesh between your legs, the other holding you flush against him. "Zara" you mumbled, your body responding instinctively to his touch.

"She won't remember this" he growled, burying his teeth into your neck as he slipped your pyjama top out of the way, hand squeezing your breast firmly.

"OH!" you cried, your body aching fiercely as it responded instinctively to his touch.

Tom spun you around to face him, kissing you hard as he removed your underwear. Grabbing your thighs, he hoisted you onto the countertop as your own hands found the waistband of his pyjamas, hurriedly pulling them down as you spread your legs to welcome him inside. You cried out, unable to muffle the sound as he entered you, a rush of euphoria coursing through your veins like a wildfire. With a guttural gasp, your husband attached his lips to your exposed breast, groaning as he sucked hard.

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