14. Surprise!

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"That's enough Zara" you scolded quietly, grabbing her hand for the umpteenth time.

She pouted, pulling her hand free and making to yank down the top of your dress once more.

"Sto-SURPRISE!" you cheered as Tom walked through the door, sentiment echoed by the other guests and party poppers. Tom jumped back into Harry, who only just succeeded in avoiding being stepped on, a hand leaping to his chest as he gaped around the room with wide eyes.

It had been more effort than you'd thought it would be to pull off a surprise party for Tom's 25th birthday without him catching wind and working around his schedule. But with Harry, Drew and Nikki's help, and the very helpful event manager at his favourite pub, you'd managed to do just that and by the look on his face he was most definitely surprised.

"What the hell?" he muttered, hand moving from his chest to your waist as you hugged him, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy Birthday Handsome" you murmured, Zara still pulling at the top of your dress.

"Thanks Doll" he replied, squeezing your ass a little as he kissed you back. "Though I could've done without the heart attack"


You stood back, making room for others to come and wish him a happy birthday, hearty cheers and hugs raining down upon him as he squirmed slightly. For someone whose career meant he was foisted into the spotlight, he didn't like being the centre of attention. Maybe that was a bit of you rubbing off on him...

"You did a good job Y/N" Nikki said, joining you and Zara by the cake table, Zara still determined to expose your breasts. "Do you want me to take her?" she offered, hands outstretched towards her mischievous granddaughter.

"Sure" you said, happy to hand off your fiendish child. Zara, however, wouldn't have a bar of it, emitting an ear-piercing shriek that made you and Nikki wince and the other guests look over in surprise. "Okay, okay! Point made" you grumbled, your ears ringing.

"Cheeky girl!" Nikki chided gently, brushing her nose against Zara's. "You sure you're okay?" she asked, frowning sympathetically at you as she gently squeezed Zara's chubby thigh. "I could try taking her outside?"

"Thanks Nikki, but it's not worth the hysterics" you replied, readjusting her on your hip and taking hold of her hand. "Oh, will you leave it alone child?!" you muttered under your breath as she once more freed her hand from yours and tried to get to your breasts.

"Weaning's going well, I take it?" Nikki asked knowingly.

You rolled your eyes, though couldn't help smiling at your daughter who, despite her intentions, was ridiculously adorable.

"There's no doubt she's her father's daughter" you mused, rocking slightly. "But she ate before we came, so she's just being a stubborn pain in the you-know-what. Speaking of, I have expressed for her bottle tonight and tomorrow morning, which again thank you-"

"You don't have to keep thanking us for babysitting our granddaughter"

"I know, but still...anyway, she's - ow, no! That's naughty!" you scolded as Zara stuck your knuckles in her mouth, biting down with deceptively sharp teeth. "I shouldn't have worn this dress" you muttered, pulling it up once more.

"No, you look lovely! Some kids are harder to wean than others"

You grimaced in agreement, but wanted desperately to commandeer Tom's jacket to cover up. Maybe then Zara would give up.

"I'm just gonna check when they're bringing out the food" you said, switching Zara to your other hip and leaving to find the event manager.

Outside the private room it was noisy, the pub packed from roof to rafter with all walks of life. Tourists, tradesmen, lads and pretty young things in barely there dresses. You scolded yourself mentally as you crossed the floor; your dress was hardly matronly, though you did blame Dot for pressuring you into buying it in the first place.

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