cheeky nandos

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By the time the doctor had arrived to let them know Harry was good to go, all the boys were cramped in the small hospital room. JJ, Ethan, Josh and Vik were a tangled mess of limbs on the three seater couch, while Tobi sat in the armchair. Simon was laid down besides Harry, and he told himself it was because there was nowhere else to sit.

"Wow! What a turnout." The doctor laughed as he saw them all, and they beamed back at him, happy to be alive.

"Harry Lewis? You're clear to go. Bed rest is recommended for at least a week, no outrageous activities. How did you break it?" JJ coughed awkwardly.

"My mate kicked me." Everyone stared pointedly at JJ.

"I see. Well, hopefully we don't meet again!" The doctor left, and Simon got up first to help Harry, who swatted his hand away.

"I'm not a grandma, you bitch!" He shouted, and Simon smiled. He had missed him, despite Harry only being in the hospital for a night.

"Good to have you back." When Simon reached for him the second time, Harry grabbed his hand and held it. They both stared at each other before Vik spoke.

"So boys, nandos?" Simon and Harry were the only ones who didn't cheer, and Harry let Simon pull him up and off the bed. Once Harry was off, Simon hooked his arm around Harry, and Harry returned the gesture. Together, they walked to the elevators, with the doors closing before the other boys could get there.

"You feel okay?" Simon asked, squeezing his best friends shoulder. Harry nodded.

"Hurts a bit, but they told me it would. Ethan hid my crutches, I'm sure he's got them." Simon hid his annoyance. Was Ethan trying to put Harry in more pain?

"Fair enough. Tell me if it starts to hurt, we can go home straight away." Simon was a bit like a mother hen. Persistent with his care, never ending with his love.

"I will. Thanks, Si." They stared at each other and the elevator doors opened. They walked out to the reception, where they waited for the boys, who had the keys to all the cars. Simon remembered all too quickly what he had said to the receptionist, and his face burned with shame.

"You okay?" Harry poked his cheek, and Simon smiled tiredly.

"I'm fine." Harry frowned.

"I'm going to get some water, want some?" Simon laughed.

"You're not going anywhere, Boggie. You might have forgotten, but you just broke your leg." Simon shook his head in amusement. Harry was an idiot.

"You can't stop me." Harry shot out of Simon's grip and hobbled towards the receptionist, desperate for some water. The receptionist recognised the pair, and she grinned.

"How's the cutest couple in the hospital doing?" Harry froze, and Simon's eyes widened. When Simon dared to look at Harry, his face was flushed.

"Come on, boys!" Ethan shouted as he left the elevator, and Simon could have kissed him.

"Come on, Bog." He muttered, slinging an arm under Harry's. Harry stayed silent.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, you two!" Josh exclaimed when he looked back at Harry and Simon. Simon smiled weakly, but Harry's gaze didn't lift from the ground.

"Harry? You good?" Josh stared at Harry, who nodded.

"'M fine." Josh looked at Simon quizzically, who shook his head. Josh turned around to catch up with the boys, leaving the lame and the liar by themselves.

"Why did she say that?" Harry murmured softly. His head was ringing, and he convinced himself it was the medication he had been given.

"I don't know, guess I'm so good looking she's just jealous of you" Simon's heart was racing, and he knew they had to change topics soon.

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