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The dogs leading to her friends house barked viciously like they had anticipated an attack. She was worried that she may have come at the wrong time. She had a broken heart already. He hadn't called or texted in three days. Could he be sick or had a serious emergency? This could look bad if she was wrong. She decided to call him.
His line was switched off.
She tried again and was worried. How could his line be switched off at this time of the day. He was always on his phone even if he didn't respond to the chats. She felt this was abnormal. She remembered she had saved his brother's number. She called the number.
'Mope how are you? Hope you are good.' Iyeri said in his baritone voice recognizing her voice like he was expecting her call.
'I am fine sir. I was trying Iyeni's number but it wasn't going through.' Mope said.
'I am sorry. I should have called you earlier. We lost him. He has since been buried.' Iyeri said
Mope gasped. This was a complication. She wasn't expecting this news.
'How is Mama?' Mope managed to say.
'She has been on admission. He had an accident three days ago. A motorcyclist hit him while he was trying to cross the road. He bled so long and was left there until some Good Samaritan rushed him to the hospital. He didn't make it.'
'I am so sorry. I will come by the house later.' Mope said.
'Right now is not a good time. He was actually coming to see you. Mama is blaming me for allowing him to come and see you and blaming herself for not cutting off the relationship he had with you.'
Mope completed the phone call with a polite dismissal as the line clicked off.
She knocked on her friends gate confused and struggling for an answer.
Iyeni died because of her and she never knew he loved her so much. She was blinded with tears. She was relieved when her friend opened the door.
After Aliya heard all what she had to say. She asked her to forgive herself.
'You need to forgive yourself.' Aliya said.
'I now wished I had gone to visit him?' Mope said
'It has nothing to do with you. It's destiny. It was meant to happen.' Aliya said.
'Look at the turn of events. The Mother didn't like you, his brother indirectly said you caused the death, while you were waiting innocently for him to come?'
'Let it go my dear. It's unfortunate that the young man was unaware of what would happen. Guess what? No one is blaming the motorcyclist?'
'His family is so biased. They believe that nothing just happens and it must be due to something or another thing and since they hated me they believed it was my fault.' Mope said.
'If I were you, I won't let you what happened disturb you. You are young and you have a beautiful life ahead of you. I am so sorry that his beautiful soul had to depart from this evil world. We often don't have answers.'
'Thanks Aliya. You are right. I felt we were going to break up anyways. His lack of confidence in the relationship and the disparity between us was glaring to him to say the least. His unemployment, his mother's bossiness overriding us and my unwavering love in-spite of it all had little to write home about.' Mope said.
'You will suffer a lot predictably if you marry because     he will have to choose between you and his mother.'
'I feel my life has just ended.' Mope said.
'I know. It's a good sign that something great awaits you.' Aliya countered.
'Can I cuddle on your bed for a bit?' Mope asked.
'Yes dear. When You wake up, I think you should think of a new hubby this time. I heard we will soon be given notice for a lockdown because of this virus. We won't be able to visit each other. So you need a healthy distraction.' Aliya said.
'I hear you. Meanwhile I mourn an unhealthy relationship.' Mope sighed as she closed her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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