Goth Fest

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One year ago...

Arcadia, ME

July 3, 2019

Terra M. Kimbrough

The pier looks packed with people all dressed in Goth. For a moment I feel uncomfortable because Justin and I are the only non-Goths here. 

Brooke Pruett looks rather beautiful in her Punk Halter with a ripped Backless Black Top, bright red hair and brown eyes, even for a Goth. Justin is especially blown away by her outfit. Accompanying Brooke is Amy B. Burkley, a black-haired woman with blue-green eyes. 

"Is this your first time at Goth Fest?" Amy asks me. 

I nod. "Justin heard about it from some brochure he read and decided to check it out."

"Well, he's in for the time of his life!" A thick-bodied man with long hair replies. He walks over and introduces himself to Justin first, then to me. "Name's Derek Williamson. I'm the lead singer of a band. Goth Warriors."

"Goth Warriors?" Justin's eyes widen in surprise. "Dude, I listened to your album! Which one was it? The one where you did a heavy metal cover of 'Playing with Fire' by Sarah Miller? Was it called 'Summer of Covers?'"

"I think that was a different one," Derek says, laughing. "'We got it covered.' That's what it's called."

"Yeah, your rendition of 'Playing with Fire' was amazing!" Justin exclaims. 

"Why thanks," Derek says awkwardly, looking rather flattered and surprised at the same time. "Good to know you're a fan."

Derek is soon joined by a shorter man who also looks muscular. He's wearing a black trench coat. "Got some fans, I see." He promptly introduces himself. "Name's Clyde. I do background vocals for Goth Warriors."

"Nice to meet you, Clyde, I'm Justin," Justin replies, shaking hands with the guy. 

"So do you guys come out here every year?" I ask Brooke.

She shakes her head. "Not every year. In fact this is the first time we've had Goth Fest in Maine. We usually have it in Las Vegas, Nevada. But this year we thought about changing it up a bit."

"You're part of a Goth club, I imagine," I muse.

Brooke grins. "Not really. We just are one big Goth family."

"Hey, so a couple of folks and I are going to go grab some food," Derek says to Justin. "You guys want to come with?"

Justin and I look at each other before Justin abruptly smiles. "Great! That'd be amazing! Where?"

"It's at this restaurant called Tony's Seafood Bistro. I'll show you!"

Five minutes later, we are seated with the Goth Fest participants at a rather large table suited for a large dinner party. The atmosphere is very festive; people are chatting together happily about whatever's on their mind.

"So I heard that there's this big 4th of July party the town throws every year!" I tell Brooke after making an impromptu decision on what I want to eat. "I wonder what that's like. Have you guys ever attended?"

"Oh yeah, we always celebrate the fourth of July with the rest of whatever town we're having Goth Fest in," Brooke replies. "It's a tradition. It's convenient to place Goth Fest next to the Fourth of July! It's only natural: celebrate our Goth history, and then immediately follow it up with a celebration of our nation's independence!"

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