Hospital Carnage

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Present day

New York City, NY

May 27, 2020

Glenda R. Dougherty

"So, not long after I got introduced to Albert and his mother, the violence in the hospital room really escalated," I continue. "Like, you can see in the footage how the people in there-the infected were all starting to get really violent. At first the police thought it was a riot, but after closer examination I began to realize that it wasn't just mob mentality."

"Yeah, I had the exact same thought," Terra replies. 

"So what happened?" Alana asks me. "What did you find out it was?"

"Well, it turned out it had something to do with the infection," I reply.

"Yeah, there was something the infection was doing to the people to make them violent," Kyle adds. "I mean, we had no idea at the time-that was until it got really ugly. But that wasn't the surprising part."

"Then what was the surprising part, Kyle?" Alana asks Kyle. 

Nobody speaks for about two minutes. Then Kyle replies, "When we found out the United States military was involved in this whole thing."

The mention of the US military causes Alana's eyes to widen in surprise. "The military got involved? Was it the National Guard?"

"Actually, it was the US Army," I answer. "At least, that's what we were told."

"Yeah, same," Terra replies. "But even with the military involved, nothing could've prepared us for what would ultimately befall a majority of the people in that hospital."

One year earlier...

Arcadia, ME

July 4, 2019

Terra M. Kimbrough

The sound of a door being forced open startles us all as we turn around, only to be met with guns in our faces. Almost immediately, we all tense up, then drop everything and raise our hands in surrender. "Don't shoot!" I immediately scream out of terror.

"Aw, damn," One of the armed people sighs. "We've got civilians!"

The armed people all lower their weapons, and Glenda's cameraman picks his camera back up. The armed personnel are all wearing civilian clothing, but with military-grade body armor; some wear Kevlar vests, chest rigs and combat boots. They're all wearing Kevlar gloves. The guy in charge is a big, muscular African-American with a tattoo of the US Army logo on his left leg. Accompanying him is a woman, a green-eyed blonde sporting a mohawk. She's wearing a bright blue T-shirt and jeans with Kevlar kneepads and a pair of hiking shoes.  

"Oh, thank God! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" Kyle breathes out in relief, recognizing them as military soldiers. 

"Are there any more of you?" The African-American asks.

"Uh, it's just us," I answer. "We're trying to check up on some friends of ours, but so far, we haven't..."

Ignoring her, the African-American speaks into his radio. "Kingfisher, this is Tombstone Lead. We got nine civvies here. We're taking them to the evac point."

"Evac point?" Kyle looks confused. "Wait, we still have friends here! We can't just leave 'em!"

"I'm sorry, son," The African-American says. "If they're infected, there's nothing we can do for 'em. They're goners."

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