Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
This = Clair's mind
This = Clair singing
Clair's POV

I unlocked the door to my house.
"CLAIR!" my dad yelled.
"Great..." I mumbled to myself.
I had just gotten back from work and he's already annoying me.
Today's the day...I finally saved up enough...
"CLAIR GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS!" My dad yelled again.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!" I yelled while I walked up the stairs.
"I talk to you whichever way I want." I said and tried walking past him to get to my room. Before I could get to the doorknob he grabbed my arm.
"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled trying to pull my arm away.
"I noticed that you're saving up money. Give it." He said grabbing my arm tighter.
"There's no way I'm giving you my money. Unlike you I worked hard for this money. It's mine, not yours just for you to waste on alcohol! I'm sick of your bullshit!" I said kicking him. He let go and I ran to my room and locked the door.
"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled banging on the door. I ignored him and grabbed my bags. I had already packed everything up. I threw it out the window and jumped. It wasn't really that bad of a jump, besides I was used to it when I sneaked out of the house to's been 2 years since he left. I grabbed my things and ran to the bus stop. I heard my dad yelling in the distance.
"I WILL FIND YOU! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He yelled from the porch.

At The Bus Stop

"Hi, how may I help you." The person working at the stand asked.
"I need a ticket ASAP." I said handing him $280.
"Where to?" He asked
"I don't care where I just want to get out of here as soon as possible."
"Alright then." He said taking the money and handing me a ticket.
I waited on the bench for about 5 minutes. The bus got to the stop and everyone got in. I handed the driver my ticket and went to my seat. I looked out the window for a few minutes but eventually blacked out.

About 23 Hours Later

"Ma'am..." someone said shaking me. I woke up startled.
"We've arrived." She said. I looked at her.
"Where am I?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"You're officially in Tulsa Oklahoma."
"Oh ok, thank you." I got up and grabbed my bag. I got off the bus and put my backpack on and started walking. I ended up passing by a bar. There was a sign saying "Help Wanted". I decided to go inside and checking what type of job it was. I got inside and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hit me.
I got to the front of the bar and sat down.
"Can I get you anything?" A tall guy asked.
"A job..." I said while looking down.
"Can you sing? We need some entertainment here." He said while cleaning a glass. I looked up and my eyes glew up in excitement.
"Yea I can sing." I said happily.
"Alright. Wait till everyone leaves so I can hear you sing." He said. He then left and went to help someone else. I played with my Christopher and waited.

About An Hour Later

Everyone had already left the bar and the guy was just cleaning up.
"Alrighty. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Buck." He said while putting the cloth away.
"I'm Clair." I said.
"Alright then. You can go up on that stage and sing." He said while pointing where. I got up and walked towards the stage while tucking my Christopher under my shirt. I got up on stage and grabbed the microphone. I tapped it to check if it was on, then I started singing.

but I can't, I refuse
Shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change, yeah
I shouldn't love you, but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish...

Buck started clapping.
"What the fuck is all this singing. I'm trying fucking sleep Buck..." a guy said coming down the stairs. My jaw dropped, and we made eye contact.
Oh my god...

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