chapter three - rough night

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"And then Rachel said I had a flat ass in front of Lev and I was about ready to punch her until Shanna defended me." Izzy straightens her hair while entertaining me with stories of her time at camp. "But I should probably stop talking about myself." She turns to me, mouth curling up in an impish grin. "How's Adam?"

I freeze. "We actually broke up." 

"What?" Izzy rushes over. "Why are we going to a party? We should be watching The Notebook and crying." I laugh without smiling. 

"It's seriously okay. I just want to drink my body weight in vodka and show him what he's missing."

"You dated for two years." She looks up at me with puppydog eyes. Of course she had to remind me. 

"That's barely anything in the grand scheme of things." I pull out a lacey black top. "Cute?"

"Super." She nods in approval. "Are you thinking of hooking up with Zane?"

"God no!" I almost laugh. Zane is Kat's ex boyfriend from Freshman year and even though they're on good terms, I know she'd hate it if I actually did anything with him. He also has a little bit of a cocaine problem. Adam used to call him the snowman. Adam. 

"So why are we even going?" She finished her last curl and puts on her heels. 

"To have fun." I put on the top and rush over, wanting to catch Adam at the party before he dips. "Not everything is about hooking up." 

"Except it sort of is." 

I decide to ignore that last comment and we rush down the stairs. 

"Dad, I'm going out!" I yell up, and hope he hears me. 

I hop into the passenger seat of her Jeep, having to move  a bottle of hand sanitizer, a Kleenex box, and three books on tape just to be able to sit down. I love Izzy, but no one ever said she was especially organized. 

Speaking of the devil, I catch a glimpse of her curly brown hair before she piles in next to me. A smile laces her face and her eyes pop out in her purple dress. "You didn't tell me Ella moved back home!" She says. 

I groan. "Oh no, did she assault you on the way out?" 

"Hardly." She laughs, "We had a very pleasant, short conversation." 

"Short is the operative word there." I mumble, thinking about everything Ella has ruined for me. "I've been sober for way too long now, are you ready to go?"

"Don't tempt your DD with alcohol." She jokes, as we pull out of my driveway. "Haven't you seen those videos in health class?"


Zane's party is insane. I don't know why I expected anything else, it being one of our last days of summer. 

"Lily!" I see Zane run over to me, clearly intoxicated. "I'm so happy you made it!" He hugs me, picking me up and spinning me around. I send a confused look to Izzy, who winks at me in reply. Zane and I have never been close, what's this sudden affection?

"Hi Zane." I say, once he finally sets me down. "Awesome party." 

He grabs his heart and grins at me. "You have to try this punch that Sabrina made. It makes you feel all bubbly." He stumbles around a little bit and rushes over to the next girl about to head in, giving her the same greeting. 

Right. I'm not special, he's just drunk. 

"That looks like energy if I've ever seen it." Izzy grabs my arm and pushes me through the door into the lions den. 

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