Month of Harmony

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I jolt up from my bed, waking up from the dream. I touched my face and notice my eyes are wet. I was crying. I tried calming myself down but to no avail. I grabbed my phone and earphones and put on my favourite song by Mutsuki Hajime from Six Gravity, 'Month of Harmony'.

'Picking the frozen snowdrop in cold winter,'

I felt nostalgic all of a sudden, his voice always comforts me after all of these dreams I'm experiencing, but it makes me remember the dreams at the same time.

'I bring it close to your lips as we nestle close together.'

I stood up from my bed and walked towards the window in my room. I see the moon in its fullness, glittering, lighting up the street.

'Quietly lying on your side, I could hear your peaceful breathing.'

I grabbed my sweater and my house key as I walked outside towards the park where the moon has illuminated the cherry blossom tree.

'The lightly pouring snow silently shedding tears―.'

Upon arriving, I stood underneath the tree. I lived nearby and this is the closest park. I looked upon the tree and closed my eyes.

'Will even these arms I embrace, slips away from me?'

"(Y/N) I promise that I will always be here for you, so rely on me more. Forget that I'm a noble. I'm just a man that loves you for who you are"

'Even my words couldn't reach you now, the month of harmony―.'

I opened my eyes suddenly and looked around, checking to see if someone was around, but there wasn't.

"I must be going crazy..." I said as I ran my hands through my hair, "I should probably book a therapy session.... or talk to Kai-nii...but he's too busy lately."

'Lying alone in bed, the fair, cold cheeks, tremble and flatten, looking lonesome.'

"Hajime! I-I made this for you!"

'To the back of you, who shed tears after seeing a dream of the past, this affection shall linger forever.'

"(Y/N) I bought this for you, it's a thank you gift for giving me such lovely embroidery. Now we have a keepsake for each other."

'Will even these arms I embrace, slip away from me?'

"Hajime, please be careful..... I don't want to lose you to this war. Come back to me safely. I will pray for your safe return."

'Even my words couldn't reach you now, the month of harmony―.'

I looked up again towards the cherry blossom tree, admiring how the moon and the cherry blossoms go well together.

'You, who keeps calling out my name, which had faintly disappeared'

"Hajime, will you still love me in the next life even if I'm a different person?"

'are repeating, "I won't forget about you" as you sob tirelessly.'

"I will love you for eternity. My heart and soul only belongs to you, my beloved."

'And what I, who can't do anything while staying beside your shaking shoulders, can only do for you is―.'

" W-What's happening Hajime? Wh-why is your family here?"

"(Y/N) go to our spot on the hill. I will meet you there, I promise."

'When even these arms I embrace, slips away from me,'

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