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Hajime's POV

Earlier that day!~~~~~

"Hajime... you can rest now......I will always love you for eternity."

I jolted from my slumber, remembering all the dreams that I've had for the past couple of months. I run my hands through my hair and felt something trickling from my eyes; tears. I would wake up in tears after those dreams. Like someone is crying, crying for leaving someone and not fulfilling their promise to that person.

Kuroda snuggled close to me. He might have sensed that something is wrong.

"(Y/N)...." I said quietly into the air.

"Who are you...what do these dreams mean?"

I tried closing my eyes and forcing myself to sleep, but whenever I close them I would always dream of her in different scenarios. Giving up on the idea of forcing myself to sleep, I picked up a book and started reading it to occupy me for my sleepless night.

3rd Person POV

As the sun rose to indicate a new morning, Hajime put the book away and went to prepare himself for the busy day ahead of him. After preparing, he left his room.

"Good Morning, Hajime." Haru greeted him in his usual cool tone.

"Good Morning, Haru."

"It's unusual for you to be up this early. Did something happen?"

"Oh..." Is all Hajime can muster.

"It's those dreams again, isn't it? Do you want me to tell Tsukishiro-san that you're not feeling well today?" Haru asked in a concerned tone.

"I'll be okay. I won't be able to rest at all, even if I try."

Haru nodded his head knowingly to what Hajime said as they went to Gravi's common room.

"Good morning, Haru-san, Hajime-san." Aoi greeted them as he finished setting the table for all of Gravi.

They both said good morning back.

"Good morning!" Kakeru entered the room followed by Koi.

"KOROKKE NOOO!" Koi dashed towards the dining table just as his beloved pet dog nabbed a breakfast onigiri from his plate, "That's not for you!"


"D-don't think you can fool me with those puppy eyes."

Korroke whimpered, refusing to let go of the onigiri in his mouth.

"F-fine." Koi relented, "But only for today."

"Arf!" Korokke wagged his tail and somehow grabbed a second one and took off running with two onigiri, "Arf arf arf!"

"Hey!" Koi frantically chased after him, "Save some for meeeee!"

"Koi, wait! You can eat some of m - aaand he's gone." Kakeru sighed.

"Mornings with Six Gravity are always so lively." Haru grinned as he took a sip of his tea, "Wouldn't you agree, leader-san?"

If not for his lack of sleep due to those constant dreams, Hajime would have said yes. However, a rowdy morning crowd was the last thing he needed right now. For once, he was glad Kuroda was still in his room or the extra large bunny might make an extra large scene of messing with Haru's glasses again.

"I'm surprised all this noise hasn't woken Arata." Hajime noted, "Is he still in bed?"

"I'll just go and wake him up." Aoi said as he left the room.

Eternal Love (Hajime x Reader) (On Hiatus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz