Date?! (Edited)

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I woke up refreshed not even having a single drop of dreams that have plagued me for the past couple of months. I left my room and walked towards the guest bathroom to freshen myself up. After I did my business to the bathroom I walked back to the guest room that I am staying, upon arriving at the room my phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and saw a message from Hajime-san, my heart raced just seeing his name.

Hajime: I'll be finishing later than expected, I'll be finishing around the afternoon. Meet me in the park near the studio that I'm working at right now. I'll meet you there, Here's the address of the place, I'm sorry about this.

(Y/N): It's okay please do not push yourself too hard just to finish your work early, I understand that being inside such an industry can take too much of your time so please don't worry, I'll see you there.

Hajime: Thank you for understanding and I'll see you later.

I put my phone away and jumped to the bed as I buried my face towards my pillow, my heart beating too fast, having an internal fight with my inner voice.

'How did this happen?! who would have thought I'll be exchanging messages towards Hajime-san! THE HAJIME-SAN!! AHHH!!! I think I'm in heaven now, goodbye world'

After calming down, I took a deep breath and started fixing myself up to meet him soon.

~Time Skip brought to you by Kai having a Mushroom Party~

As I arrived at the location that Hajime-san told me, I sat on a nearby bench listening to his songs that I have compiled in a playlist. After quite some time someone tapped me on my shoulder, I looked in the direction of the person's hands and saw Hajime-san.

3rd Person's POV

"Did you wait that long?" Hajime asked concern plastered in his face.

"O-Oh no, I didn't wait that long" (Y/N) smiled at him.

She noticed that Hajime have some sweat on his forehead that trickle down to his cheek, she took out her handkerchief and wipe his forehead.

Hajime was taken aback, so does (Y/N) as she hurriedly retracts her hand but still offers her handkerchief.

"I-I-I'm S-Sorry! I- I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Thank you for worrying about me" Hajime gave her a slight smile as he took her handkerchief from her hand gently and proceed to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"I'll wash this and give it back to you" Hajime smiled as he tucks away the handkerchief to his pocket and offered his hand to (Y/N)

(Y/N) is in a blushing mess as she took hold of Hajime's hand

"Won't people around us recognize you? You're pretty popular, Hajime-san."

"Shun gave me this bracelet earlier before I left for work, he said that I should wear this all the time before meeting you."

Hajime showed (Y/N) a black bracelet made of nylon cord with a purple coloured gem dangling on one side. (Y/N) looked around their surroundings and heard some group of ladies coming from the opposite side.

"Who is he?"

"He looks hot."

"Is that his girlfriend?"

"Maybe? Too bad he's taken."

"Could be just his sister."

After they passed by the group of ladies (Y/N) looked at Hajime and he smiled as he looked back at her.

Eternal Love (Hajime x Reader) (On Hiatus)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz