Meeting Again

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I woke up in feeling refreshed the following morning. Today is the day the girls and I will meet up in Tokyo since my friend Akari is visiting for a week. I started doing my morning routine and put on comfortable clothes, then walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, mom!" I greeted her energetically.

"Good Morning, (Y/N). You're staying in Tokyo for a week, right?"

"Yep, Akari-chan is visiting Tokyo for a week before she gets back to work, so Yukiko and I decided to accompany her for a while."

"Alright, just let your brother know where you are since he is also somewhere in Tokyo."

"I will, mom. I'll see you by the end of the week~ Bye, mom!" I gave her a kiss on a cheek and left the house.

I felt a vibration from my pocket and took out my phone to see messages from our group chat.

Yukiko: Akari! Which place are we meeting at again?

Akari: The cafe near the bookstore.

(Y/N): I'm on my way. I woke up late today.

Yukiko: Ara~? Did something happen?

(Y/N): I'll tell you once we meet up at the cafe.

Akari: I also have something to say~~~!!

Yukiko: About Yoru calling you yesterday?


Yukiko: A hunch, thanks for confirming it though. (ω)

(Y/N): Why am I getting a Shun-san vibe from you, Yukiko?

Yukiko: I don't know, that's just how I am.

Akari: Even though your Haru's sister.

Yukiko: ^^

(Y/N): I'm boarding a train towards Tokyo now. I'll see you~!

Akari: Got it, are you taking a bullet train?

(Y/N): Yup with heavy luggage since we will be staying in Tokyo until you go back to you being a workaholic! (*≧艸≦)

Yukiko: That's true, but where are we staying though? You said you didn't book a hotel.

Akari: I'll tell you when you guys get here.

Yukiko: Got it. Seeya!

(Y/N): Bye~

I put away my phone as I board the train. Good thing it's not rush hour since most people are already at work. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fuduki (Y/N). And this is the story of how one week in Tokyo changed my life forever.

Time skip brought to you by Arata being Arata

I got off the train in Tokyo with my luggage in tow and headed for the meeting place. After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived at the cafe and went inside towards the table where the other two are.

"Ara~~ (Y/N)!" Yukiko greeted me.

"Ya~ it's been a while!" Akari added.

I gave them both a hug, "How are you guys?"

"I'm fine, just been busy with work." Yukiko took a sip from her cup.

Akari handed me the menu, "You should order something."

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