Chapter 1: Emergance in a New World

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The floor.

That was the first thing Six felt in the new world. His exposed body had slammed into the hard wooden surface with a thump. Six had expected something else, something softer but Six couldn't complain, he had just spent what felt like a lifetime falling. He turned himself over onto his bareback and stared at the ceiling. The pale circling stared back. While the outside of the Spartan didn't move his mind worked with speed.

Everything he had just experienced moments felt so strange, foreign, indescribable. No mattered how much he tried he couldn't describe what transpired in that colourless place. There was nothing he could use to describe it. Nothing he could do to make sense of it all. All he could feel now was the cold metal resting on his exposed chest and the rough floor scratching against his back

Six soon moved his thoughts on. He would get answers later, right now he needed information. Where he was, was a good start. Six brought himself up and got one piece of information. He was in a bedroom and. It was plain and simple. A double bed in the corner, a wardrobe in the other and next to it curtains covering the single window. That was all that resided within it, the pale cream walls boxing them all in. The only exit being the door opposite to the bed.

Six moved to the window first. Quickly dragging the curtains aside, a blinding light greeted him. It consumed his whole vision and burrowed deep within his eyes. He hastily closed the curtain and, with a handful of brief and hard blinks, recovered his eyesight.

At that moment, something clicked within his mind. A whirling like sensation muddled his mind and caused a brief stumble. He reached out and quickly steadied himself on the wardrobe, regaining his wits.

'Apologies, Noble Six...'

Six froze, unsure what he just heard. It sounded quiet, distant as if it had been shouted from miles away by no one was around to speak it.

'I was unsure of where I was then I was overwhelmed with new information'

Six stood himself up straight and took in a deep breathe, clearing his head. The voice was familiar yet was different, less broken down, clearer, yet the calm and articulate tone remained, clasped tightly in a light British accent.

"Dot?" Six asked the open air.

'Affirmative, Spartan' The A.I responded.

The answer gave the Spartan a sigh, a slight smile joining it afterwards. He was glad that it was an A.I he knew that was picking around his head but that raised a question for the Spartan.

"Why are you here Dot?"

There was no answer. The only thing audible being the Spartan's steady breaths.

"Why are you here Dot?" Six asked once more with his tone going much harsher, demanding an answer.

The silence continued onwards for another minute.

"Dot, why are yo-"

'I do not know, Noble Six' The unsure voice of Dot echoing within Six's head. 'That's the truth, Spartan'

It was the Spartan's turn to be silent. Theories bounced around his head till he landed on a solid one.

'That would make the most sense' Six thought to himself.

'Indeed it would, Noble Six'

Six suppressed his initial shock of Dot's mind-reading. He had expected it from the A.I, any A.I at that. He was sure, at this very moment, she was getting herself briefed on current events via his memories. Didn't mean that he liked any of it, he liked his thoughts being his and his alone.

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