Part Ten - A Girl's Night

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I wake up at around 8, get dressed, and walk into the common room to find James sitting on the couch. He looks up from his book and smiles widely at me. "Good morning!" "Good morning!" I replied grinning shyly, last night replaying through my mind. "I'll see you later." I say and turn to leave.

"Wait Lily." James jumps up from his seat and walks over to me. "Is it ok if we don't really tell people about what happened just yet?" He asks and runs his hand through his hair. Suddenly this doesn't bother me as much as it usually does. Weird. I nod. "I don't feel ready to tell people just yet either." I smile at him and walk out the door, heading for the Great Hall. 

Why didn't he want to tell people? I mean he's been trying to get me to date him for years, why wouldn't he want to brag about it. He's finally won me over I guess. I sigh out loud. 

What are we now? Was that just a one time thing? Are we going to be ... together? My head clouds with all of my questions and I don't even realize what's happening until I crash right into Sirius. "Oh hello there!" He says cheerfully with a mischievous grin. Could he know what happened? No, he can't have, I'm just being paranoid. 

"Hey." I say with a smile. "Why are you so happy?" I ask, curious. "Well, if you must know-" Marls runs up to me and drags me by the arm before Sirius can finish what he's about to say. 

She brings me into the Great Hall and we sit down with Alice, Dorcas, and Mary. "We need to have a girl's night. Today. I need to talk to you guys." Mary and Alice nod agreeingly and I gasp. "Is this about Sirius?" Marls grins. "I'll explain later." 

I eat really quickly and get up to go to the library. "Why are you going to the library? It's sunday!" Dorcas asks. "I need to get a start on homework. I have loads to do. " I responded with a sigh and head out of the Great Hall. 

Once I get to the library, I take out my notebook and textbook and start my History of Magic essay. I am halfway through the second paragraph when James comes in and sits right across from me. He doesn't say anything, puts his face in his hands, and just stares at me. 

"Are you just going to stare at me?" I say, barely looking up from my work. "Yes." He responds and I smile to myself. I work for a few more minutes and I am just finished with my second paragraph when James says, "You're really beautiful." At this I look up and make eye contact. I blush furiously and get back to my work trying to hide the fact that I'm sort of happy. "You're cute when you blush. James laughs lightly at me and his hazel eyes bore into my green ones. This comment causes me to blush even more which I didn't think was possible.

The rest of the day I spend in the library, the Great Hall, my common room, and the Gryffindor common room. At around 5, I go to my common room and change into shorts and a t-shirt and sit by the fire and read. I hear the portrait door open. "Oh James! So about the other day, I'm totally ok not telling people for a while. " I look up at James. Shit. That's not James. "Oh hi Remus." I say, mortified. "What was that about?" He asks and grins at me. I blush. "Oh it's nothing." Remus looks at me suspiciously but thankfully doesn't ask questions. "I take it you don't know where James is?" I have smirks at me. I shake my head and hide my face behind my book. "Ok, well I'd better be off." He says and turns to go. "Bye." I say.

A little while later, James really does walk in. "Hey." He says as he sits on the couch next to me. "So, Remus might ask you what's going on between us later ..." I say looking away from him. "Why?" James asks, confused. "Well, I didn't tell him what actually happened, but he came in and I thought he was you so I said, about the thing that happened the other day, I'm ok not telling people for a while." I say, biting my lip. 

"Oh." He says and runs his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." I apologize. "No, it's fine. I'll just tell him we're not ready to talk about it. Remus won't tell anyone or ask too many questions. " He says staring into the fireplace. We sit awkwardly for a little and I pretend to read my book. "Do you think Remus suspects?" I break the silence. "Yes." James sighs. "I'm going to go talk to him now. I'll see you later. "He grins at me as he turns to the door. "Wait, if I need to, can I tell Remus if it comes to that? I'll make sure he doesn't tell anyone. " I nod and smile weakly at him as he walks out the door.

She Hated Him! Nah, She Didn't: A Jily Fan-FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora