Part Twenty Five - Soulmates?!

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"Take your seats please." Professor Alden, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, says cheerfully, smiling widely at us. Professor Alden is a temporary teacher who joined us after the last teacher quit. She has dark brown almost black hair, dark brown skin, and the most astounding green eyes.

Remus, Sirius, Marls, James and I take a seat near the front. "Good morning class! Today we will be doing the Patronus charm! Can anyone tell me what this spell is and what it does?"

My hand shoots up into the air. "Ms. Evans?" Professor Alden calls on me.

"The Patronus charm causes a silvery white animal form to appear. This is the casters patronus. The patronus is used to ward off dementors and is a defensive spell." I answer, earning 5 points to Gryffindor.

Professor Alden continues talking about the Patronus charm and I hurry to take notes. There is no doubt that this will be in our exams, so I need to know as much about this as I can.

"You will all be working individually for most of the period. Now don't worry, I don't really expect any of you to produce a corporeal patronus on your first day. I do expect something to happen though. Your homework will be to continue practicing this charm and next class, everyone will do their best to produce a patronus. This spell takes a lot of energy and if you need, you may take a break or take some chocolate. You may begin."

Our class all stands up and we take out our wands. I try to think of my happiest memory, and I settle on the day I got my Hogwarts letter and when I found out that I was a witch. "Expecto Patronum!" I say, other students echoing it across the room. Nothing happens to anyone but we all keep trying.

I try two more times with the same memory but it doesn't work. I feel myself getting tired, so I rush up to Professor Aldens desk and unwrap a chocolate bar, where I see Remus doing the same.

"Free chocolate." He says happily and I laugh.

I head back to my table and decide to pick a new memory. I think of a time in fifth year with my friends when we had girls date.

"Expecto Patronum!" I say and a silvery substance comes bursting from the tip of my wand. I gasp as it moves a few feet and dissolves.

"Very good Ms. Evans! You're the first to produce that! 10 points to Gryffindor." Professor Alden beams at me and passes me another bar of chocolate that I rip open.

"Class is dismissed! Please remember to keep practicing and tomorrow I will give you a bit more time to practice and then you will present in front of the class!" Professor Alden says and beckons us out of the classroom.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur and finally James, Remus, Sirius, Marls, and I meet in the Gryffindor common room after dinner.

"Let's practice!" Remus says, taking out his wand and his notebook. He reads over his notes from class and then starts practicing the Patronus charm.

Our group takes out our wands, Sirius doing so reluctantly, and we start muttering the spell. "Expecto Patronum!" I mutter, thinking of the same memory as before. I manage to produce whisps a few times, but none of us make a corporeal patronus.

After a few chocolate breaks and trials of the charm, Remus confidently repeats the spell and a faint wolf burts from the tip of his wand. Sirius stares at him wide eyed and starts laughing. His laughter is contagious and then we're all laughing and clapping while Remus stands there awkwardly.

We all calm down after a few moments and we keep trying. "Expecto Patronum!" James says from beside me and a stag appears and does a small loop around the room and fades quickly. I turn to him, my eyes wide in shock. "What?!" I ask in disbelief. I mean, how did James get a patronus before I did??!! He smirks at me, "Try thinking of a different memory."

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