Part Twenty-Three - Hogsmeade With the Girls

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I rip open the letter from Dumbledore and read it quickly, my eyes skimming through the page. "What is it?" James asks, trying to look over my shoulder and at the letter. "He's reminding us to plan the spring dance and we have to pick the date for the next Hogsmeade trip." I say, folding up the letter and putting it away. "How about this Saturday?" James suggests and I nod. 

I walk over to the desk, take a quill and some parchment, and walk back to the couch. "So about the dance, first, it's obviously going to be in the great hall. And we can decorate with flowers and plants and stuff. Oh, and fairies. They're sort of springy right?" I write everything down and look up at him. "Whatever you say." He grins. "Well I want your insight." I put down my quill and he says, "Well that's a first." "Oh shut it." I smirk at him and continue writing. 

"We'll hire a band right?" He asks and I nod writing that down. "Any ideas?" I ask without looking up from the paper. "No, but I'll figure it out. I'll tell you when I do." I nod and we keep discussing ideas for a while. Over the next week, we finish most of the plans for the dance and we just need Professor Dumbledore's approval.


"Why are you awake?" I mumble, rolling over in my bed and seeing James about to leave, on the day of the Hogsmeade trip. "I'm going to run." He says, standing next to the door. "Why would you do that?" I ask, sitting up in bed. "Well it helps me look this good." He says, smirking. I roll my eyes and lay back down. "Come with me." "Why?" I ask, turning to look at him. "It'll be fun." "Fine." I say, sitting up again and throwing off the covers. "What do I wear?" "You could wear that." He gestures to what I'm wearing at the moment. A black sports bra and green shorts. "No!" "Why not?" He asks mischievously. "Well first-" I start but James laughs, "Here we go with the lists." "Shut up. First, it's my pajamas." He shrugs and I go on. "Second, I don't want other people seeing me like this. And third, it's freezing outside!" "Fair enough." He says as I get up and walk to my closet. 

James walks up behind me and points to a green boxy crop top. "James, no!" I sigh and pick out black leggings, a gray long sleeve, and red sneakers. "No, that's boring." He grins at me and I narrow my eyes. "Get out." I say pushing him towards the door. "You're kicking me out?" He laughs but walks out. "No, I need to change." I close the door in his face and smile at his immature behavior. After I take off my pajamas and put on the running clothes, I meet James right outside the common room.

"One condition." I say and he nods, beckoning me to keep talking. "I need my tea first." "Why?" He asks, taking my hand as we walk towards the stairs. "Because, you're not supposed to go running before you drink tea." I say matter of factly. "Where did you hear that?" He looks at me suspiciously and I laugh. "I made it up." "Well then, let's get you some tea."

We enter the great hall and I quickly take a cup of tea from the table. "Where are you off to?" Marls asks from her seat beside Dorcas and Sirius. "We are going running." James says happily. Mary raises her eyebrows at me. "You, Lily Evans, are going running?" "Yes, I am." I say, taking a sip of my tea. "Have you ever been running?" Alice giggles when I shake my head. "You haven't?!" James asks in surprise and I shake my head again. 

"But she is-" Marls starts and I silence her with a shake of my head. I knew she was going to say that I am a fast runner. I can run really fast but I don't really like going running. She raises her eyebrows at me in question and I mouth, surprise. She makes a confused expression but nods her head nonetheless.

I finish my tea, say goodbye to the rest of the group, and walk out arm in arm with James. We walk out onto the main lawn and James says, "Ok, we can start with a slower pace and then speed up if you want." I nod my head and we start running fairly slowly. It's nice and cold outside, so thankfully I don't get very sweaty. Yuck.

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