I | Wild Ecstasy

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"Sweetheart..." A familiar voice husked in my ear, followed by a strong pair of arms encircling around my waist.

I turned to peer at my left side where practically the face of a God rested. A small smile caught on my lips when my eyes engaged with his. I continued to admire his long, thin lashes that brushed his cheeks, noticing the playfulness in his actions while he held me close.

To make the situation further ethereal, the glow of the sunlight beautifully cascaded on Jungkook's face, complimenting his features divinely.

A peaceful feeling lingered in my heart and I moved my hand forward to brush his dark bangs aside from his smooth forehead.

Stirring under my touch, Jungkook softly cupped my face, his galaxy like eyes softening. I subtly laughed, trying not to break the tranquil, heaven-like atmosphere, "You know...this only happens in my dreams."

A playful smile still lingered on Jungkook's remarkably soft and pliable lips, "Maybe...this is one?"

Confusion filled my head before it was already morphing my vision, once merry eyes slowly stretching out in dismay, "I knew it, it couldn't be true! I knew this isn't reality-"

"...but a dream." I woke up, my eyes wide in horror as I let the surly realization sink in. Scanning around for Jungkook, I found his side of the bed empty and cold.

"Of course, he left early..." I mused, but my thoughts were intruded when I heard the sound of the door opening. Whipping my head around, I was welcomed by a breathtaking sight.

Jeon Jungkook, a world-class model, whose simple stare was enough to slay the whole entertainment industry. If looks could kill, even my coffin would've long faded in the soil.

He stood in front of the bathroom door with nothing but a grey towel encased around his mighty slender waist. His hair was wet and all over the place, strong muscles on full display while daylight descended on his beautiful face flawlessly. He seemed ready for a Porn photoshoot.

I couldn't help but gawk with my mouth wide open. Jungkook appeared as elegant in real life as he did in the gratifying dream. But the only portion that was different was that he was scowling instead of smiling.

"Shut your damn mouth Park, I don't want your drool to destroy my linens," Jungkook snapped in a vexed tone as he settled his hand on his hips in a condescending manner. I didn't pay heed to his words and continued gawking at him shamelessly.

So much for a good morning!

Even though we had been married for about 2 months, it didn't feel like a marriage at all. I didn't even feel like a wife. We slept under the same roof and resided with each other, but never once had he looked at me romantically. He continued to call me Park even though I had become a Jeon months ago. I lived in this lavish mansion like a paying guest, the only difference was, I didn't pay.

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