Chapter 4

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~ Sunday, March 17th 2019 ~

"Hey, mommy! You home?" I said, getting into my car. "I'm about to head out soon. Why wassup?" My mother says. "I wanted to come bother you for a little bit." I say. Before putting on my seatbelt, I fixed my hair, adjusted my oversized sunglasses and applied more lipgloss. "Come on over! I miss my favorite child." My mother says. "You know good and well I'm not your favorite child." I said, not buying the bullshit.
My mother and I had a great relationship. She was my best friend in the entire world. Besides Imani, she was the only female I could trust these days. My mother laughed at me. "You know both of y'all are my favorite." She said. "Yeah yeah." I say, finally pulling off.
"When's the last time you talked to Tania?" My mother questioned. "Mom, you know we ain't friends anymore." I said. I took a sip of my sangria. "When y'all stop being friends?" My mama asked. "Like last week. I told you and Imani this. Don't try to act like you ain't know, mama." I said.
Yes, Tania and I were no longer friends. It was probably not the smartest to become friends with the girl who bullied you in the first place. But, I was always way too nice. I always saw the good in everybody and that was my problem.
I sucked my teeth. "Yeah, it was bound to happen." I said. "I didn't wanna say it but I told you so." My mother says. I laughed. "I was waiting for that." I said. "That girl was not a real friend and you know it." Imani says.
"Thank you so much!" I said, flipping my hair and leaving the nail salon. I felt like a new person when my hair and nails were done. I was finally pretty again. Now, I was getting ready to go home.
"Who is that?" I say, looking out my window. "Who is who?" Imani asked. It was the next morning, and I was being nosy. I had made myself breakfast and was now peeking through my curtains checking out my fine ass neighbor. I was also on the phone with my sister.
I haven't been living in my new place that long, but I've also never seen this fine ass specimen before. He must've been new around these parts as well. "I'm looking out my window. My neighbor is fine as hell." I said. "Ew, you're such a creep." Imani says to me. I sipped my tea and laughed. "Whatever." I said.
I watched as my next door neighbor went to get his mail. "Ima call you back. I gotta go get the mail." I say. "You never go get your mail." Imani says, killing my vibe. "Well, Im going to get my mail today. Love you, bye!" I say, hanging up on my sister.


I just got my mail and decided to just chill outside the crib for a little bit. There was a swing on my porch, so I just sat out there while drinking my morning tea. Mario called me. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "So guess what?" He says. I sighed. "What, man?" I said.
I was listening to Mario until I looked up and saw this beautiful ass female next door. She had this silk robe on with a matching night gown. Her hair was blowing in the morning wind. The sun hit her skin just right. I've never seen anything as gorgeous as her in my life.
"Are you even listening to me, man?" Mario asked. I snapped out of my trance. "Huh? I'm sorry, bro. What were you saying?" I said, now paying attention but also still checking out my fine ass neighbor. She went back in her house. I had to go over and introduce myself to her later on. "I said, Ellie's been acting weird." Mario says. I made a face. "What do you mean? You tryna say she cheating?" I wanted to know. "Nah, I know she love me. I just have a feeling that she losing interest in me." He tells me. "Have you tried talking to her?" I asked. "I actually have. She always telling me the same thing." "And what's that?" I said. "That I need to relax and that she loved me, yada yada yada." My best friend says.
Mario and his girl Ellie have been together for about for almost 7 years. I know this because he never lets me forget it. When he and I are chilling, she's all he talks about. That nigga in love. It's cute, though. Mario has his moments but when Ellie came along, she changed him for the better. She really brings the best out of him. You can tell she loves him,too.
"Well, I think you should try talking to her again." I suggested. Now, I was in the house. "You know what? You right. Ima try talking to her and see how that goes." He tells me. "Aight, man. Don't trip." I said. "I appreciate it. Ima hit you later." Mario says. "You know I got you, man. Bye." I said. Then, I hung up the phone.


"Imani, you're annoying move!" I yelled. My twin sister came over to hang out before I went to work. She was being hella aggravating though. I was tryna do my makeup and she was dancing all up on me. "You love me!" She said.
I finally finished my makeup and was now spraying my face with setting spray. Imani and I were listening to music and smoking. Normally, I smoked weed before I went into work. It relaxed me.
There was a knock on my door literally right before I was about to leave. Imani had already left so I was sure it wasn't her. I looked through my peep hole and almost peed myself. It was my fine ass neighbor. I took a deep breath before opening the door. "Hi." I said, calmly.
"Hi. I'm Jacob. I live next door." He says. He was so fine, it made no sense. I smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Jacob. I'm Indya!" I said to him. He smiled back at me and my heart almost melted. He had the prettiest teeth I've ever seen on a male. That was super attractive. "That's such a beautiful name." Jacob says to me. I blushed. "Aww, thank you!" I said. "I hope I don't sound like a creep and I apologize if I do. But I saw you this morning and I just told myself that I had to come by and introduce myself. Are you new around here?" Jacob said. "I've lived in LA all my life. But I just moved into this neighborhood last month." I tell him. "Oh okay. That's cool. I like your outfit by the way." He says. "Thank you, I made it." I said. Jacob smiled. "That's actually dope. Hopefully I see you around more." He says. "You will." I said. We parted ways and I went to my car.

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