Chapter 15

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~ 2 Weeks After Birthday Trip ~

"Baby, what're you doing?" Jacob asked me. "I'm just finishing this piece. I'm almost done." I said. "Ohh okay. I see you." He says, sitting on our bed. He watched as I worked. Jacob was one of my biggest supporters besides my mother and my sister.
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon. Jacob and I were in the house today. It was raining so I really didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything. What was the point? Today, I decided to finish designing this dress that I had been working on for at least a month. It was a white silk gown. Anyway, my phone rang. My sister, Imani wanted to FaceTime.
"Hey, sister. You look cute!" I said when I answered the phone. She smiled. "Thanks, sissy." She says. "Somebody's in a good mood." I pointed out. "Because I have some good news." Imani says. "Tell me!" I pressed. "So, I'm pregnant." She blurted out. I gasped. You know how when you wanna say something but you can't? Like, the words are just stuck? Yeah, that was me at this very moment.
"Are you really? Ima be an auntie?" I said. "Yes, you gonna be an auntie!" My twin sister says. I was so happy that I shed a few tears. "When did you find out?" I asked. "2 weeks ago. I took a pregnancy test because my period was really late. And I was a little nauseous. And the test came back positive. So, here we are." Imani explains to me. "I'm so happy for you, sis! How did Xavier act when you told him?" I asked. "Oh, he was more excited than I was. He literally swept me off my feet." My sister says.


"Mario, can you zip me up please?" I asked. "Of course, mama. Come here." He said. "Um, baby?" Mario says, trying to zip up my dress. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm having a little trouble tryna zip this up." He says to me.
It was 6 pm and we were heading out. Mario made dinner reservations at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. The name of the restaurant was "El Compadre". The restaurant was located in Los Angeles. We had to drop Melani off at my mothers first.
Unfortunately, I've been having trouble getting back to the size I was before I got pregnant. I've literally had to throw out all of my favorite pieces of clothing. I was so tiny before Melani. Don't get me wrong, I loved my daughter and I was thankful for her. But, now I hated looking in the mirror so much. I needed to get to a gym ASAP.
"Baby, it won't zip. I'm sorry." Mario says to me. I gave up. "I wanna stay home." I said, taking a seat on our bed. Melani was in her pack and play, watching cartoons. She was in her own little world. I was so upset. I hated the way I looked.
"Hello? Yes, I'd like to cancel my dinner reservations for 7 pm." Mario says. I watched my man talk on the phone while I breastfed Melani. I couldn't help but feel bad. He canceled our dinner reservations because of me. I had to make it up to him.
"The reservations were made under Mario Quintana." Mario says. He takes a seat on the edge of our bed. My baby. I loved and appreciated him so much. He got on my nerves like no other, but he loved me unconditionally. For that reason alone, I wanted to give him the world. "Okay, thank you so much! You have a good night, too. Bye bye." He says, wrapping up the phone conversation.
"You okay, mamas?" Mario asked. I shrugged. I was on the verge of tears. "Baby, you're about to cry. What's wrong? Talk to me." He says, taking my hand. Before I knew it, I started bawling my eyes out. Melani was sleeping peacefully in her crib. "I'm fat!" I cried. "You are not fat!" Mario tells me. "Yes I am. I hate the way I look. I can't fit any of my clothes. I've been tryna get back to how small I was before I got pregnant." I said, crying harder this time. "Ellie, listen to me. You are beautiful. You just had a baby 9 months ago. It's normal to gain weight after giving birth. But you are gorgeous. I loved you before you got pregnant, I loved you your entire pregnancy, and I love you now. Nothing's gonna change that." My fiancé tells me.
I looked at Mario while he slept. He really was the man of my dreams. I've never met anybody like him. He loved me for me. Nobody was perfect, but I knew once thing for sure. Mario was perfect for me. And I was thankful for him.

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