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sometimes regressors will give their carer or friends nicknames and sometimes their friends/carers will give themselves those nicknames, but always make sure everyone is comfortable with them!

for instance some regressors might not like nicknames and would prefer to just be called their name or a shortened version of their name (which is a nickname but not what I'm talking about)

for instance my name is Connor, but everyone calls me Connie.

I call my carer mommy and my friend that sometimes takes care of me I call auntie (which is usually shortened to antie when I'm in a younger mindset.)

so, now that we've gotten that down, here's a list of nicknames (female, male, and neutral) for regressors and carers!


🌺 princess
🌺 kitten (pretty neutral but a lot of people say it's feminine so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
🌺 angel (again pretty neutral)

🌻 prince
🌻 bubba (often used by caregivers for a reason I can't understand lmao)
🌻 knight/brave knight (you should probably add my/(cg nickname) in front)
🌻 puppy/pup

🏵️ peanut
🏵️ pumpkin
🏵️ honey
🏵️ honey bee
🏵️ honey bun
🏵️ gumdrop
🏵️ cuddle bug
🏵️ baby
🏵️ kiddo (better for regressors 6+)

anything you can think of for kids your little will (probably) like.


🌺 mommy/mummy
🌺 mama/mumma/momma

🌻 daddy
🌻 dada/papa

If you have more than one carer don't feel shy to reach out for other family positions like aunt, grandma, (should probably only be used if they're older than mommy/daddy), uncle, grandpa, etc

🏵️ zaza
🏵️ captian
🏵️ hero

or whatever else you want to call them (that they like!)

feel free to use nicknames in your own language too!

feel free to use nicknames in your own language too!

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Connie's guide to age regressionWhere stories live. Discover now