understanding regressed language

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this is an important one for caregivers but keep in my mind your regressor might do some of these, none of them, or something different!

this is mostly from what I've observed that myself and some other regressors do when regressed, this can apply to speech and spelling.


1. one very common thing regressors do is change r's or l's to w's,. they might spell/say wittle instead of little, or wule instead of rule.

2. th, th might often change to a d or t sound, such as tink instead of think or dat instead of that, it could also change to an f sound like baf instead of bath

3. more uncommon for most regressors but could be common for regressors learning a foreign language, changing f's to p's. this is common for me since I'm learning both korean and japanese, neither of which have an f sound.

4. v's, v's may or may not change, some regressors might pronounce them as b's, like hab instead of have.

5. regressors will often spell how they talk so if they say "I don wan it" they mean, I don't want it. omiting the t at the end of words is normal, its also normal for d's, so don't be surprised if your regressor says "I wan dat one an dat one an dat one an dat..."


1. da instead of the. pretty basic.
2. chu instead of you.


1. paci; pacifier/binkie

2. stuffie; I feel like most people know this already even if they aren't into age regression but stuffie means stuffed animal

3. baba. more used by baby regressors, baba means bottle

4. sippy. sippy is just short for sippy cup.

feel free to add more in the comments as I obviously couldn't go over everything!

feel free to add more in the comments as I obviously couldn't go over everything!

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