Chapter 1

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(Harry's pov.)


It's 2020 and I'm alone at my house in LA. It's weird, as normally I'm out with my friends or just chilling with them at mine's.  They are probably just busy. The good thing is that I've been writing all day for my new album. Lately I've been working on a song, but I don't think it's finished yet. Something is missing, but I don't what.

Recently I've had this feeling stuck in my chest of great emptiness. The thing is, I still haven't been able to quite put my finger on its origin. I just feel like, whenever I songwrite, I'm not being genuine enough with myself. Even though I try to reach out to my emotions and be as truthful as I can, the lyrics never reflect what I feel inside (which makes it worse, because music normally acts as my creative outlet).


It's night-time and I can't sleep, again. I've been having trouble with insomnia for a while now, which is worrying me. Maybe it's because of this coronavirus thing, and how we are still not in quarantine nearly at the end of march, not like in other countries.In Spain, for example, where the entire population has been in lockdown since mid-march.

However, I know there's more to my uneasiness than just the whole virus situation. Whenever I'm working on new music I tend to disconnect from the outside world. I sort of neglect my friends a bit, but, they never get mad at me, as they know I'm spoken for being mope-inclined. Nonetheless, this time around, given the fact I'm struggling with song-writing, I'm even getting uncomfortable with my habitual loneliness.

I hope I end up putting together a bunch of lyrics as soon as possible. I wouldn't like this feeling being around for too long. As I can't seem to sleep, I go downstairs and grab something to eat. Maybe it will help with my nerves (I've already tried meditating with no results whatsoever). When I get to the kitchen I get a glass, fill it with milk, and some cookies as well. (obviously!). Once I'm nearly done, suddenly, I hear my phone buzzing, which nearly scares the shit out of me.

My phone, which I had laid on the countertop, keeps buzzing for a while. Finally, I unlock it and come across a dozen of text messages from an unknown number.

When I go over them, I realize that it's Louis! Maybe he's changed his phone number, yet again... He's changed it loads of times, as fans keep leaking it. He just said hi, and asked how I was doing. Something simple, but that makes me feel weird inside, but the good kind of weird, though.

It's been a few months since the last time we talked, as we've been very busy with our solo careers. I've missed talking with my Boo bear A LOT. We used to FaceTime all day, even if we didn't have anything to talk about, we just liked to have  each other's company.

Of course I've kept up with his music-related projects and all the tracks he has been dropping, like, how on Earth wouldn't I? Plus, he's pretty handsome and I find no harm in checking him out in social media once in a while. What would be the ultimate thing is to finally meet in person. I think the last time we got to hang out was a year ago, around Christmas time. It was such a long time ago that he hadn't even started a relationship with Eleanor.

About their relationship, I really prefer not to intervene, for he is my friend and I have to be supportive of him. I'm only going to say that, I think that she loves him more than he loves her.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes again, making me realize I've been deep in thought for a huge while. So I decide to go through them, rereading the previous ones he has sent.

Unknown- Hey Hazz, it's been awhile  since we last talked.

Unknown- How are you doing?

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