Chapter 5

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It's the next day, and I can't stop thinking about what happened between Louis and I. I can't believe we've actually kissed!! It's like a dream come true. A dream I didn't know I had, for I believed there was nothing to wish for... However, ever since we reconnected during quarantine, I've been waiting for this moment. I've missed being with him and kissing him, I've missed our relationship. Or just our friendship, in general. Yesterday felt amazing. It's like we got our chemistry back. I mean, it never really faded away, but we had never gotten to the point of our relationship becoming so intimate again... Which, in fact, really scared me. Nonetheless, I thought it was worth diving in for. Until, well, Eleanor snatched Louis away (like he was a toddler or something). That tacit magic was ruined by Eleanor. I'm all about treating people with kindness and not judging individuals, but all the looks she's been giving me and the way she controls Louis is starting to annoy me. It's just... Damn it! It's always her. I get it, okay?. She is her beloved girlfriend and they need to spend time together, but... Ugh. I also want to spend time with him.

I really need to talk to him. What's in his mind? What did he think about the kiss? What if he thinks I now am terrible at kissing!?! WAIT A SECOND. Why am I even worrying about the little subtleties of such happening, when instead I should be considering the consequences? Those could be fatal. WHAT IF THIS RUINS OUR REKINDLED FRIENDSHIP!?!!? It's not like we hadn't talked for months, but a long while went by before we picked back up a certain assiduity on our phone calls! Ugh.

Okay, I need to tone down  my paranoic-self. Although... I still HAVE the imperious need to know how he feels about this. I'll just text him, and hope for the best. Giving him a buzz wouldn't be a good idea as of now.

I look around frantically. Where's my phone? Don't tell me I've misplaced it. AGAIN... Oh, there it is, comfortably laying on the couch. I guess I set it down when I was with Lou and completely forgot about it. But, who would blame me? It's Louis Tomlinson we're talking about. Who wouldn't lose track of space and time around him? Not my ass, at least.

Me- Hey Lou :)
Me- Can I please talk to you for a moment?
Me- It's important. Call me whenever you're free.

Now I need to wait until he calls me. Normally, he doesn't take long to text back (except when he's fooling around and wants to surprise me).


It's been two hours already, and he hasn't texted back. What is wrong with this guy? He's always on his phone, playing games. I mean, normally I would find no problem to waiting for his response, but the thing is, I'm extremely worried. We literally kissed, and had no time to even work out a word. A moment that could have been pivotal in our friendship, was broken by Eleanor. I understand it wasn't appropriate for Louis to sneak behind her back, but she was being too overbearing and wouldn't let him move a finger. I supposed she would be a bit mad, but not that she would literally burst through the entrance door, shouting.

Anyways, it's getting late. I better go to bed.


I've spent all night tossing and turning. At best, I might have managed to sleep a couple hours. The lack of communication between Louis and I seems to be settling in, as it's almost time for lunch and he hasn't answered yet any of my texts. Anxiety is consuming my insides and I don't think I'll be able to go any longer without knowing how he feels about last night's events. Even if he doesn't return my feelings, I just want to get rid of this uncertainty, or at least, be able to spend some time with him. After all, isn't that the reason why Louis came here?

By four o'clock, I can't take it anymore and set off for the hotel Louis and Eleanor are staying. Me showing up there might elicit an unwelcoming attitude from Eleanor, and it may annoy Louis, as he's obviously avoiding me, but I don't care anymore. I don't need to be kind all day.

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