Chapter 3

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As I go downstairs, I wonder all the more. Who would drop by my dwelling during quarantine? We are supposed to stay home for the time being (at least, those who are sane enough will...).Well... I guess I'm about to find out who the person is (God, they must be eager to see me. They won't stop ringing the door! I hope the doorbell doesn't burst). As I get closer to the door I hear a familiar voice, but I don't make out much quite a lot as its mere mumbling. Finally, I open the door, and I freeze on my tracks at the sight I get.

I can't contain myself, and I blatantly stare at the person standing in front of me. I shiver. There's no way I'd ever mistake those beautiful, glimmery ocean eyes for anyone else's. I'd recognize them anywhere. I don't think I'll ever get tired of them. There's just not one thing I don't love about Louis: his fluffy brown hair, that beautiful smile with those endearing, yet charming dimples I can't seem to get over... Those gorgeous red lips... Those tattoos... Before knowing him, I didn't believe people could get anymore attractive... And the outfit he is wearing makes him look even better. I suddenly snap out of my trance when I hear a voice, my thoughts dissipating instantly.

"Harry, mate, are you okay? You've been standing there speechless for at least five minutes straight"

I've really been checking him out for that long? Damn. His voice though... I didn't remember it sounded so soothing and raspy in person. I couldn't help to breathe deeply, my heart pumping so hard I thought it was about to beat out of my chest. But, like, who would dare to blame? It's impossible not to drool over his accent, duh.

"Oh sorry... I'm just... surprised you are here. I didn't expect this. How are you doing?", I try to sound calm and collected.

He cocks and eyebrow and smirks, playfully.

"More like you were mesmerized and shocked to your core. But, it's whatever, Harold", he jokes, holding out his arms.

As I finish hearing him out, I give him a shy, though long hug. I've missed embracing him. His arms are so warm, and he is so short. I've always found it cute.

"So, how are you doing?", I don't even know how to react, to be honest.

"I'm doing alright, thanks. And what do you mean you didn't expect this? I'm a sentient being, with feelings and stuff you know?", he nudges me, jokingly, "I wasn't just going to stay back at home, waiting for the situation to blow ower, when it's more than obvious it'll get worse. I don't think I would have been able to take a flight if more days had gone by...", he shrugs and pulls away, "I missed you".

Aww, that's so sweet. I didn't know he missed me too (at least, not when he wouldn't reply my calls VOLUNTARILY). Just as I'm about to say that I've missed him too, I hear another familiar voice I don't get good vibrations from. Reluctantly, I dart my eyes around the street to find out where the voice is coming from and... Oh shit.

My eyes stumble into Eleanor, Louis' former and actual girlfriend. I stand frozen, completely shocked. If Louis' impromptu visit had susprised me shitless, Eleanor's presence is about to yank my soul away from my body... Like, I seriously feel like screeching so loud. Why is she here? At my questioning look, Louis catches my attention by giving my shoulder a soft squeeze. He then whispers:

"We were spending the quarantine together. I told her I was only coming over for a couple days, but for some reason, she refused categorically to let me fly here on my own", he chuckles, "She's a little paranoid, but good at heart, so don't mind her", he winks at me and turns around, waving Eleanor over.

What does Louis mean "for some reason"? It's more than obvious to me that her girlfriend wouldn't let him come on his own out of sheer suspicion... She, like all our closed ones, was aware of Louis and I's long courtship... Both of us have referred to our relationship as it being true love. The bond we've weaved over the years holds so much strength, that in spite everything, us being appart couldn't last much... Even if we aren't dating at the moment, we deeply care about each other, and that must not be unbeknownst to Eleanor. Though I respect her decision I would have loved it if Louis had come alone.

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