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A/n: above is my own take on the reader, yes i did draw it myself :)


        Let's just say that the machine that Senku was working on has grown a lot in size.

While Senku busied himself with adding a few tweaks to his contraption, (Y/n) was, of course, sitting next to him with a notebook and pencil in hand. Her notes were neatly organized in a binder, courtesy of a scolding Senku, making it easier for her to flip through them.

Her notebook was just about finished, she barely needed to go through her binder as she had read and memorized everything to her convenience in the case that she had mistakenly misplaced her binder somewhere (most likely at Senku's house in the hands of Byakuya Ishigami).

"Listen up, Senku! (Y/n)! I've made up my mind! I'm going to confess the feelings I've had for Yuzuriha for the past five years!" Taiju said while bursting through the door of the Science Lab, startling all the members excluding Senku and (Y/n).

"Yeah? Well, that sure does sound interesting." Senku said, not looking away from his vials and tools.

"What do you mean? It sounds like the start of some cheesy dating simulator." (Y/n) commented, to which Senku held back a snicker.

"We'll be cheering for you so hard that our vocal chords snap. From here in this science lab." Senku said, not facing Taiju. He looked over to (Y/n), gesturing with his eyes over to Taiju and rolling them. (Y/n) smirked a bit at this.

"You will!? Thank you guys!" Taiju said, raising his arms excitedly.

"Shut up. We're not cheering one millimeter for you, you big oaf." Senku corrected.

"What!? Make up your mind!"

"And you haven't said anything for five years? How illogical can you be, idiot?" Senku said, while reaching for another flask that contained some type of transparent liquid.

"Please, Senku. Lighten up on the poor imbecile." (Y/n) said, looking up from her notebook. She looked at Taiju and gave him a small smile, "We all know that you won't need any cheering from us, you'll do fine on your own!" (Y/n) rephrased, earning a 'thank you!' from the big oaf himself.

"However," Senku started, ignoring (Y/n)'s rephrasing of his harsh words, "I've got something for you that's logical as hell." He pulled out the flask and showed it to Taiju, giving him a malicious grin, "A drug that'll stimulate your pheromone output to the max.  A love potion, if you will. Take this and you're set. Ten billion percent."

The science members were all shocked, exclaiming a chorus of 'woah' and 'really?'. Some desperate pieces of crud.

Taiju took the flask from Senku and looked at it blankly. He then began to pour the contents out in the sink, much to the club members' disappointment. "Thanks Senku, but sorry. I can't rely on cheap tricks." Taiju then confidently walked out the door, his head held high as he made his way to the yard.

The club members surrounded the sink, curious as to if Senku had actually made a love potion. "Really Senku? I never pinned you as the type of guy to make such a thing, even if it's for Taiju." (Y/n) said with a raised brow.

"Like those could ever exist. You know better than that (Y/n)." (Y/n) apologized, "It's just gasoline refined from bottle caps. Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron. It's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off. You can tell just by looking at it." Senku looked smugly at his fellow scientists

"You really can't Senku." The members agreed with her.

"That's cause you spend too much time staring at your phone screen (Y/n)." Senku said.

"Excuse me!? Do not dis Minecraft like that." (Y/n) held her skeleton keychain, offended.

Ignoring their little banter, "Wouldn't Taiju-kun have died if he drank it?" some Smart Alec asked.

"Oh please, I was ten billion percent sure that he wouldn't drink it. Not that strait-laced idiot." Senku said, somewhat fondly. (Y/n) softened at this. "Oi (Y/n), I'm gonna visit the vending machine, what do you want?"

"Just some milk please."

Senku left the lab room with (Y/n) in charge, despite her not being a part of his club. Not like he could trust anyone else in there with his machine.

As he inserted the money in, many thoughts raced through his head. How was Byakuya doing up there? Not like he cared, but how was it? Space, it was all so fascinating to him. There was a whole universe out there to explore, more experiments to perform, yet so little time to do it. He and the rest of his fellow teenagers only had a few decades to live, what to do with that time he had decided to dedicate entirely to science and it's wonders.

But what if he didn't?

He shook away the thought, as it was incredibly illogical, and opened his energy drink with a satisfying fizz, (Y/n)'s milk in his other hand still unopened. Only for her and Taiju would he ever actually spend money and time on them.  As he made his way to the lab, he could hear his classmates bet on Taiju's success on confessing to Yuzuriha. He had yet to hear (Y/n) opinion, but he had assumed that she knew better and decided to continue writing. They knew better than to doubt him, as both teenagers have harbored feelings for each other for quite a while.

It was so troublesome to wait. Strike the iron while it's hot, as his father would say. Just go for it, what's the harm in knowing the truth?

Of course, he could never actually say that out loud, less he make a hypocrite of himself.

"Ten thousand yen he actually doesn't." Senku said, along with a feminine voice. She said it as if she knew he would at that exact time. Weird, huh.

As Taiju was proclaiming his love to Yuzuriha, a bright light was seen out of the corner of Senku's eye. His eye widened at the unnatural color as he dropped both his and (Y/n)'s drink. He sprinted towards the lab, only being able to slam open the door before he turned to stone.

The last thing Senku saw was (Y/n) sitting in her chair, reaching out towards the door with a longing look on her face as if she were going to say something to him.


Senku couldn't have picked a better time to wake up. It was around the beginning of Spring, (Y/n)'s least favorite season due to her pollen allergies. The decades that he once thought was the only time he had turned into centuries. 370 centuries to be exact.

Senku carefully placed the pieces of his petrification in the Senku shaped hole he found himself wedged in and observed the area he was surrounded with. Heavily forested, not common for the area of Japan that he lived in. Of course, there was nothing he could do about the vegetation increasing in all his years of being stuck in stone.

Senku cursed to himself as he wrapped a vine around his waist to cover up his private parts. Yes, he was the same Senku Ishigami that claimed that he wouldn't need a guide to restart humanity, and he knew that he would manage without it. But goddamn would it be helpful to have one right now.

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