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"Do you need any help?"

Noah looked up from the boxes he was hauling into his new apartment when his eyes landed on her. The woman who had caught his attention stood at the top of the stairs, with an arm over the rail, and sipped from her thermos. She had her hair up in a bun but a few stubborn, curly strands had escaped only to frame her face perfectly. She was an attractive thing, Noah would admit. The way she stood there and tilted her head back to drink again, never once breaking eye contact, enticed him; like she was challenging him- and, oh, did Noah love a challenge. The playful tint in her eye was hard to miss, and Noah instantly knew she would be tough to keep up with. He took a second to admire the woman who stood only a couple of feet away from him. Her figure was on full display as she wore a sports bra and a pair of compression leggings, which shaped her ass perfectly.

"No, I'm good. I can handle it," he teased.

She walked to situate herself in front of the door right next to his and leaned on it. "You sure? I'm pretty strong." She reached for the coiled hair tied around her wrist to grab the key attached to it.

Noah took the opportunity to appreciate her body one more time. She was coated in a thin layer of sweat which, from up close, made her look even sexier as if she was glistening. His eyes trailed from her perfectly manicured fingertips, up her slender arms, across her chest, until his gaze fell on her breasts a little too long.

"I don't doubt it. I'm Noah." He tapped his hands on the side of his jeans a few times to shake out any excess dust from all the lifting he'd been doing before extending his hand out for her to take.

She stepped forward so she was now standing directly in front of him. "I'm Evie. Evelyn really, but call me Evie." She took his hand in hers.

Her voice, Noah noticed, was the most mesmerizing thing he'd ever heard. She spoke with a slight rasp and he couldn't help but stare at her lips as her mouth moved to form words.

"And what are you doing tonight, Evelyn?"

She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes playfully at his complete disregard of what she preferred to be called. Evie has never taken a liking to her real name. She always thought that Evelyn sounded so old, like a grandma's name, so she preferred to go by Evie; it was less of a mouthful. But her full name coming from his lips, the way it rolled off his tongue so naturally, so easily, was music to her ears. It was like he'd been saying it his whole life like it had been created for him to repeat over and over again. She loved the way he pronounced it.

"I don't know-" she bit her lip, "-might order some takeout, stay in and watch a movie," she added, shrugging her shoulders.

"That's too bad." Noah feigned disappointment, but his smirk gave him away. "I was going to see if I could interest you for a drink at my place."

Evie was truly amused that Noah was still being very playful. She put her hand to her lips and tapped very lightly, her face in an exaggerated pensive state, and said, "I don't know," she managed to crack a smile, "I was in the mood for Chinese."

"Then Chinese we will have. Say around 8 o'clock?"

"Who am I to deny Chinese food, especially if it's free?" Evie finally inserted her key into the door she was leaning on earlier and twisted. Before walking in, she paused and looked over at him once more time, "Make sure you lift with your legs, hotshot."

He let out a small chuckle. "I'll knock if I need you," Lifting up one of the boxes, he made it a show of bending his legs in an exaggerated manner and Evie smiled, shaking her head as he shamelessly stared at her perky ass while she walked in

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