Ch. 4

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Back at Fenton's flat, Daisy hung up and everyone started laughing hysterically for 4 whole minutes, before Donald dared Gladstone and Fethry to prank call Scrooge.
' I have been wanting to do this for a long time, ' Gladstone cackled evilly, as Fethry, who was also giggling, started dialing Scrooge.

Scrooge answered the phone, and Gladstone put on his best Goldie voice. ' OH SCROOGEY, ' Gladstone shouted ' LONG TIME NO SEE! OH, YOU LOOK AS HANDSOME AND DASHING AS I LAST SAW YOU!'

Everyone started giggling like school girls as Scrooge responded. ' GOLDIE! Why, I am in an important business meeting with the CEOs of SHUSH and NASA! What's happening?'

Everyone in Fenton's flat started to laugh a little louder as Fethry made the noises that Glomgold would make. ' HELP! HELP, SCROOGEY!' Gladstone squealed in a high pitched voice ' I'M BEING ATTACKED BY GLOMGOLD! SAVE ME!'

' I'M COMING , ME LOVE!'Scrooge hollered. But when he heard everyone at Fenton's flat howling with laughter, Scrooge roared ' GLADSTONE SHELDGOOSE GANDER AND FETHRY LUDWIG DUCK! YE WEE BAIRNS HAVE NO RESPECT!'

Donald was about to explain to his old uncle that it was all a prank when Scrooge started yelling again. ' AND I DINNAE WANT TO HEAR YOUR DUMB APOLOGIES, DONALD FAUNTLEROY DUCK AND DELLA HORTENSE DUCK! YE TWO ARE GONNA BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!'

Now everyone was in complete hysterics. Donald and Daisy laughed and clapped, while Daisy video recorded the whole thing to send it to other VOGUE executives. Jose and Panchito laughed so hard they cried. Launchpad, Gyro and Fenton started rolling around with laughter. Fethry and Gladstone started scream laughing so loudly that they almost choked. And Drake and Della actually started coughed from laughing too hard.

' Mr McDuck, sir?' Gyro laughed ' About the email -'

' Yes, Gyro, I read it all, ' Scrooge grumbled. ' AND DONT DRINK TOO MUCH, KIDS!'

When Scrooge angrily hung up, everyone at Fenton's place started laughing and howling hysterically for 10 whole minutes.

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